2022, vol 52, number 11

By | 10.09.2024

Selection of papers presented at the International Workshop on Fibre Lasers (Novosibirsk, 15-19 August 2022) (Compiled and edited by S.L. Semjonov and S.A. Babin)

Single-frequency erbium laser with random distributed feedback implemented on phase mask inhomogeneities
M. I. Skvortsov, S. R. Abdullina, A. A. Vlasov 963–966

Control of the number of solitons in a fibre laser by resonant injection of external narrow-band light
V. A. Ribenek, P. A. Itrin, D. A. Korobko, A. A. Fotiadi 967–974

Study of the influence of interaction of spectral filtering and slow saturable absorption on the formation of ultrashort pulses in fibre lasers
A. Yu. Kokhanovskiy, A. E. Perepelov, K. V. Serebrennikov 975–978

Numerical study of the scheme of a fibre optical parametric oscillator with two-arm synchronous pumping
V. D. Efremov, D. S. Kharenko 979–983

Single-mode P2O5–F–SiO2 optical fibres with an optimised acoustic profile: Influence of the optical refractive index contrast and dopant content of the core on maximum SBS gain suppression
S. V. Tsvetkov, M. E. Likhachev 984–993

Coherent optical frequency reflectometer based on a self-scanning fibre laser for distributed measurements
D. A. Krivosheina, A. Yu. Tkachenko, I. A. Lobach, S. I. Kablukov 994–1000

Direct laser writing of helical Bragg gratings in vortex silica fibre
V. V. Likhov, S. A. Vasil’ev, G. K. Alagashev, S. L. Semenov, A. G. Okhrimchuk 1001–1006

Radiation resistance of fibre Bragg gratings under intense reactor irradiation
P. F. Kashaykin, S. A. Vasil’ev, A. L. Tomashuk, A. D. Ignat’ev, V. A. Britskii, A. A. Shaimerdenov, A. M. Akhanov, P. P. Silnyagin, T. V. Kulsartov 1007–1011

Formation of laser-induced periodic structures on thin films of transition metal nitrides and semiconductors
K. A. Bronnikov, S. A. Gladkikh, K. A. Okotrub, V. P. Korolkov, A. A. Kuchmizhak, A. V. Dostovalov 1012–1017

Scheme of signal processing in a receiver of multimode communication lines based on convolutional neural networks
O. S. Sidelnikov, A. A. Redyuk, M. P. Fedoruk 1018–1022

Hydrodynamic approximation for two-dimensional optical turbulence: symmetries of statistical distributions
V. N. Grebenev, A. N. Grishkov, S. B. Medvedev, M. P. Fedoruk 1023–1030

Diffraction by a perfectly conducting strip grating
A. V. Nemykin, D. A. Shapiro 1031–1038

Fast numerical method of the second order of accuracy for solving the inverse scattering problem
O. V. Belai 1039–1043

Generation of frequency-modulated optical IR pulses in a semiconductor waveguide structure with a realised space charge wave
A. S. Abramov, I. O. Zolotovskii, A. S. Kadochkin, S. G. Moiseev, I. S. Panyaev, D. G. Sannikov, M. S. Yavtushenko, V. V. Svetukhin, A. A. Fotiadi 1044–1049


New regime of diode laser operation: 200-ps front edge of a nanosecond pulse
S. M. Pershin, V. S. Makarov, M. Ya. Grishin, V. A. Zavozin, A. L. Koromyslov, V. N. Lednev, P. A. Sdvizhenskii, I. Procházka, I. M. Tupitsyn, E. A. Cheshev 1050–1053

Control of laser radiation parameter

Dynamics of a single-mode laser with an additional mirror
N. N. Rosanov 1054–1056

Propagation of electromagnetic waves

Propagation of electromagnetic waves in a nonlinear hyperbolic medium
A. I. Maimistov 1057–1062