2022, vol 52, number 1

By | 29.08.2024

Special issue on laser biophotonics

Works on laser biophotonics
A.V. Priezzhev, V.V. Tuchin, A.E. Lugovtsov, M.Yu. Kirillin 1

Study of adsorption of the SARS-CoV-2 virus spike protein by vibrational spectroscopy using terahertz metamaterials
M. R. Konnikova, O. P. Cherkasova, T. A. Geints, E. S. Dizer, A. A. Man’kova, I. S. Vasilievskii, A. A. Butylin, Yu. V. Kistenev, V. V. Tuchin, A. P. Shkurinov 2–12

Terahertz microscope with oblique subwavelength illumination: design principle
O. V. Minin, I. V. Minin 13–16

Novel approaches in 3D live cell microscopy
V. Richter, M. Rank, A. Heinrich, H. Schneckenburger 17–21

Red blood cell in the field of a beam of optical tweezers
P. B. Ermolinskiy, A. E. Lugovtsov, A. N. Semenov, A. V. Priezzhev 22–27

Melanin diagnostics with nonlinear optics: a mini-review
E. A. Shirshin, B. P. Yakimov, G. S. Budylin, K. E. Buyankin, A. G. Armaganov, V. V. Fadeev, A. A. Kamalov 28–35

Influence of the measurement configuration on the results of Raman microspectroscopy of human hair
N. N. Brandt, E. I. Travkina, E. V. Mikhal’chik, A. Yu. Chikishev 36–41

Age-related changes in the viscoelasticity of rabbit lens characterised by surface wave dispersion analysis
H. Zhang, M. Singh, F. Zvietcovich, K. Larin, S. Aglyamov 42–47

Testing the adequacy of a simple theoretical model of dehydration optical clearing of collagen bundles: OCT measurements
O. A. Zyuryukina, M. E. Shvachkina, V. I. Kochubey, Yu. P. Sinichkin, D. A. Yakovlev 48–55

Theranostics of skin neoplasms based on luminescence diagnostics in combination with photodynamic therapy in the absorption band of porphyrin
I. P. Shilov, A. S. Gorshkova, A. V. Ivanov, V. D. Rumyantseva, G. L. Danielyan, V. V. Kashin 56–62

Agar phantoms of biological tissue for fluorescence monitoring of photodynamic therapy
A. V. Khilov, V. A. Shishkova, E. A. Sergeeva, D. A. Kurakina, M. Yu. Kirillin 63–68

In vitro study of cataract extraction by bursts of microsecond 1.54-μm laser pulses
A. V. Belikov, S. N. Smirnov, Yu. N. Batov, A. B. Gubin, Yu. B. Pirozhkov, E. V. Boiko, M. N. Nemsitsveridze 69–77

Estimation of a minimum laser power with wavelengths of 1.47, 1.56, and 1.68 μm for efficient obliteration of varicose veins
N. Yu. Ignat’eva, O. L. Zakharkina, A. P. Sviridov, K. V. Mazaishvili, A. B. Shekhter 78–82

Inactivation of coronaviruses under irradiation by UVA-range light-emitting diodes
I. N. Zavestovskaya, V. A. Gushchin, L. I. Russu, E. A. Cheshev, A. L. Koromyslov, I. M. Tupitsyn, A. A. Fronya, M. S. Grigoryeva 83–86

Fibre-optic systems

Effect of anisotropy of a single-mode fibre on lightning-induced rotation of polarisation of a light signal in an optical ground wire
D. V. Gorbatov, V. A. Konyshev, T. O. Lukinykh, O. E. Nanii, A. G. Novikov, V. N. Treshchikov, R. R. Ubaydullaev 87–93

YAG : R3+ (R = Ce, Dy, Yb) nanophosphor-based luminescent fibre-optic sensors for temperature measurements in the range 20–500 °C
S. K. Evstropiev, V. V. Demidov, D. V. Bulyga, R. V. Sadovnichii, G. A. Pchelkin, D. N. Shurupov, Yu. F. Podrukhin, A. S. Matrosova, N. V. Nikonorov, K. V. Dukelskii 94–99

Laser applications and other topics in quantum electronics

Laser synthesis of nanocomposite hydrocarbon fuel and CARS diagnostics of its combustion flame
E. V. Barmina, V. D. Kobtsev, S. A. Kostritsa, S. N. Orlov, V. V. Smirnov, M. I. Zhilnikova, O. V. Uvarov, G. A. Shafeev 100–104