2022, vol 52, number 7

By | 10.09.2024


Ultrahigh modal gain in stripe injection lasers and microlasers based on InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots
F. I. Zubov, Yu. M. Shernyakov, N. Yu. Gordeev, S. A. Mintairov, N. A. Kalyuzhnyy, M. V. Maksimov, N. V. Kryzhanovskaya, È. I. Moiseev, A. M. Nadtochiy, A. E. Zhukov 593–596

Er:YAG, Er:Cr:YSGG and Ho:Yb:Cr:YSGG lasers with high power diode pumping
V. P. Mitrokhin, A. D. Savvin, V. A. Simonova, A. A. Sirotkin, K. N. Firsov, A. E. Dormidonov 597–603

Control of laser radiation parameters

Harmonically mode-locked fibre laser: stabilisation and precise control of the pulse repetition rate using a cw spectral component
V. A. Ribenek, I. O. Zolotovskii, P. A. Itrin, D. A. Korobko 604–609


Control of the properties of nanostructures using few-cycle pulses
R. M. Arkhipov, P. A. Belov, M. V. Arkhipov, A. V. Pakhomov, N. N. Rosanov 610–614

Electric field enhancement in metal-dielectric metasurface based on periodic nanocavities
A. V. Ivanov, N. V. Bakholdin, M. S. Mikhailov, A. N. Lagarkov, I. A. Ryzhikov, K. N. Afanasyev, I. V. Bykov, A. F. Smyk, A. V. Shurygin, A. N. Shalygin, G. Barbillon, A. K. Sarychev 615–619

Fiber and integrated optics

Optical properties of high numerical aperture silica fibres coated with amorphous perfluorinated polymers
V. I. Sokolov, I. O. Goriachuk, A. A. Zamyatin, A. A. Makovetskii, D. V. Ryakhovskiy 620–624

Improving the response linearity of a fibre phase-OTDR by averaging responses over a set of fibres in a fibre cable
D. E. Simikin, A. E. Alekseev, B. G. Gorshkov, V. T. Potapov, M. A. Taranov 625–630

Modulation instability during the propagation of three or four waveguide modes in a thin left-handed film on a right-handed nonlinear substrate
Yu. V. Zelenetckaya, E. V. Kuz’minskaya, R. V. Litvinov, N. R. Melikhova 631–639

Quantum computations

Optical system for implementing accurate two-qubit gates on neutral atoms
P. I. Betleny, I. I. Beterov 640–644

Light beams

Optimisation of light focusing by mesowave Fresnel phase plates with tilted zone profiles
Yu. E. Geints, E. K. Panina 645–651

Requirements for dynamic characteristics of adaptive optics systems
V. P. Lukin 652–660


Acousto-optic laser frequency shifters with a large angle between direct and diffracted beams
M. M. Mazur, L. I. Mazur, V. N. Shorin, A. V. Aprelev 661–663


Possibility of measuring asymmetry of the red blood cell size distribution by laser diffractometry of a blood smear
S. Yu. Nikitin, E. G. Tsybrov, M. S. Lebedeva, A. E. Lugovtsov, A. V. Priezzhev 664–670

Laser applications and other topics in quantum electronics

InGaAs/InP PIN photodiode for optical receivers in pulsed-laser range finding systems
A. A. Koronnov, N. F. Salova, M. M. Zemlyanov, A. V. Grinin, A. E. Safutin, E. V. Kuznetsov, M. A. Ladugin, M. Yu. Kuznetsov, N. N. Bragin, A. V. Mamin 671–675

Some peculiarities of the near-band-edge emission from ZnO crystals grown on Si whiskers
Ch. M. Briskina, V. M. Markushev, L. A. Zadorozhnaya, M. E. Givargizov, V. N. Yashkov, I. S. Volchkov, V. M. Kanevsky 676–680