2022, vol 52, number 8

By | 10.09.2024


Clad-pumped bismuth fibre laser emitting in the wavelength range from 1.3 to 1.4 μm
A. S. Vakhrushev, A. V. Kharakhordin, A. M. Khegai, S. V. Alyshev, K. E. Riumkin, E. G. Firstova, A. A. Umnikov, A. S. Lobanov, F. V. Afanas’ev, A. N. Gur’yanov, M. A. Mel’kumov, S. V. Firstov 681–684

Picosecond Raman fibre laser with a wavelength of 2.84 μm
A. A. Krylov, A. V. Gladyshev, A. K. Senatorov, Yu. P. Yatsenko, A. N. Kolyadin, A. F. Kosolapov, M. M. Khudyakov, M. E. Likhachev, I. A. Bufetov 685–694

1-W transversely diode-pumped metastable Ar* laser
A. A. Adamenkov, Yu. A. Adamenkov, M. V. Volkov, B. A. Vyskubenko, S. G. Garanin, M. A. Gorbunov, A. P. Domazhirov, M. V. Egorushen, A. A. Kalacheva, Yu. V. Kolobyanin, N. A. Konkina, A. A. Khlebnikov, V. A. Shaidulina, F. A. Starikov 695–697

Radiation divergence of microsecond lasers based on a solution of rhodamine 6G and a solid-state laser based on a perylene-activated nanocomposite
V. V. Tarkovsky, S. S. Anufrik, A. O. Romashkevich, P. R. Makey 698–704

Highly efficient 1610-nm in-band cw Tm:LSO laser
M. Pei, J. Wu, Yu. Ding, X. M. Duan 705–708

Control of laser radiation parameter

Comparison of mode-locking regimes based on nonlinear rotation of the polarization plane in erbium-doped fibre lasers with dumbbell-shaped and ring cavities
A. D. Zverev, V. A. Kamynin, V. B. Tsvetkov, D. G. Kochiev 709–714

Energies of X-ray laser pulses and stimulated emission wavelengths achievable by pumping X-ray lasers using the National Ignition Facility
M. L. Shmatov 715–719

Parallel modes at pulsed two-frequency resonance in the Λ-scheme of degenerate quantum levels
O. M. Parshkov 720–727

Effect of the thickness of the passivating reactive titanium layer of mirror facets on the electrical characteristics of diode lasers
N. S. Utkov, A. E. Drakin, G. T. Mikayelyan 728–730

Nonlinear optical phenomena

Counter-propagating four-wave mixing on phase–amplitude holographic gratings in a cubic photorefractive crystal
V. N. Naunyka 731–738

Interaction of laser radiation with matter

Laser synthesis of nanopowders based on zinc selenide for the preparation of highly transparent ceramics
V. V. Osipov, V. V. Platonov, A. M. Murzakaev, E. V. Tikhonov, A. I. Medvedev 739–748

Integrated optics

Soliton mode beams with positive and negative group velocities in a thin left-handed film on a right-handed Kerr substrate
Yu. V. Zelenetckaia, R. V. Litvinov, N. R. Melikhova, A. S. Spiridonova 749–753

Diffractive optics

Formation of two-dimensional image contours in zero and plus second diffraction orders in the process of double Bragg diffraction
V. M. Kotov, S. V. Averin, A. A. Zenkina, A. S. Belousova 754–758

Fibre optic communication lines and fibre sensors

Statistics of nonlinear noise in a high-speed optical communication line without dispersion compensation
E. G. Shapiro, D. A. Shapiro 759–763

Simulation of the limiting parameters of a polarimetric fibre-optic current sensor on a spun fibre
I. L. Lovchiĭ 764–774