2023, vol 53, number 1

By | 10.09.2024


Laser diodes (850nm) based on an asymmetric AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructure with a bulk active region for generating high-power subnanosecond optical pulses
A. A. Podoskin, I. Shushkanov, V. V. Shamakhov, A. Rizaev, M. Kondratov, A. A. Klimov, S. V. Zazulin, S. O. Slipchenko, N. A. Pikhtin 1–5

Quasi-cw high-power laser diode mini bars (λ=976 nm) with increased length of a resonator based on asymmetric heterostructures with a broadened waveguide
S. O. Slipchenko, A. A. Podoskin, V. A. Kryuchkov, V. A. Strelets, I. S. Shashkin, N. A. Pikhtin 6–10

High power and repetition rate integral laser source (1060 nm) based on laser diode array and 2D multi-element opto-thyristor array as a high-speed current switch
S. O. Slipchenko, A. A. Podoskin, V. V. Zolotarev, L. S. Vavilova, A. Yu. Leshko, M. G. Rastegaeva, I. V. Miroshnikov, I. S. Shashkin, N. A. Pikhtin, T. A. Bagaev, M. A. Ladugin, A. A. Padalitsa, A. A. Marmalyuk, V. A. Simakov 11–16

Cavity optimisation of high-power InGaAs/AlGaAs/GaAs semiconductor lasers (λ=1060 nm) for efficient operation at ultrahigh pulsed pump currents
S. O. Slipchenko, O. S. Soboleva, V. S. Golovin, N. A. Pikhtin 17–24

Nonlinear optical phenomena

Use of hydroxylamine sols of silver nanoparticles for obtaining reference giant Raman scattering spectra
E. G. Evtushenko, E. S. Gavrilina, D. Yu. Gusarova, A. D. Vasilyeva, L. V. Yurina, I. N. Kurochkin 25–28

Interaction of laser radiation with matter. Laser plasmas

Electron diffraction study of structural changes in a thin GeTe crystal under the action of high-power femtosecond laser radiation
B. N. Mironov, I. V. Kochikov, S. A. Aseev, V. V. Ionin, A. V. Kiselev, A. A. Lotin, S. V. Chekalin, A. A. Ischenko, E. A. Ryabov 29–33

Circular HTSC-MAGLEV system for noncontact acceleration and injection of cryogenic fuel targets at the laser focus of ICF facility
I. V. Aleksandrova, A. A. Akunets, S. Yu. Gavrilkin, V. D. Zvorykin, O. M. Ivanenko, E. R. Koresheva, E. L. Koshelev, K. V. Mitsen, A. I. Nikitenko, T. P. Timasheva, A. Yu. Tsvetkov 34–42

Model of intensity redistribution in a pair of laser beams intersecting in a plasma
S. V. Bondarenko, I. R. Smagin, O. O. Sharov 43–48

Light pressure of a Bessel beam on a spherical particle: an analytical solution
D. V. Guzatov 49–60

Generation of radiation pulses in extreme fields

Locally constant and crossed field approximation for description of the photon emission in a strong oscillating electric field
A. A. Mironov, E. G. Gel’fer, A. M. Fedotov 61–65

Instability of higher-order optical phase and polarisation singularities in a homogeneous linear medium
N. N. Rosanov 66–68

Frequency standards

Coherent resonances in a dipole-broadened profile of selective reflection from the transparent dielectric–atomic rubidium vapour interface
V. A. Sautenkov, S. A. Saakyan, A. A. Bobrov, E. V. Vilshanskaya, B. B. Zelener 69–73

Interaction of laser radiation with matter

Generation of terahertz radiation in boron-doped diamond
V. V. Kononenko, E. V. Zavedeev, M. A. Dezhkina, V. Bulgakova, M. S. Komlenok, T. V. Kononenko, V. V. Bukin, V. I. Konov, S. V. Garnov, A. A. Khomich 74–78

Laser biophotonics

Influence of plant leaf epidermis on the efficiency the their interactions with low-intensity laser radiation
Yu. N. Kulchin, E. P. Subbotin, A. S. Kholin, S. O. Kozhanov, V. V. Dzemidchyk, Yu. V. Trofimov, K. V. Kovalevsky, N. I. Subbotina, A. S. Gomolskii 79–87

Fiber optics

Bell-shaped refractive index profiles of multimode optical fibers and methods for calculating their optical properties
V. M. Gololobov, V. S. Motolygin, V. Zemlyakov, J. Gao 88–94