2023, vol 53, number 6

By | 10.09.2024


Laser cutting of aluminum alloys under conditions of formation of an optical discharge in argon jet of pulsed CO2 laser
V. B. Shulyat’ev, M. A. Gulov, E. V. Karpov, A. G. Malikov, K. R. Boiko 441–443


Slab lasers on fundamental and overtone transitions of the carbon monoxide molecule with capacitive radio-frequency discharge pumping and cryogenic cooling of electrodes
A. A. Ionin, M. V. Ionin, I. O. Kinyaevsky, Yu. M. Klimachev, A. Yu. Kozlov, A. A. Kotkov, O. A. Rulev, D. V. Sinitsyn 444–451


Electric-discharge KrCl laser with high pump power
S. A. Yampol’skaya, A. G. Yastremskii, Yu. N. Panchenko, A. V. Puchikin, E. V. Gorlov 452–457

Interaction of laser radiation with matter

Study of intense femtosecond radiation scattering under optical breakdown of water
V. V. Kononenko, M. A. Dezhkina, T. V. Kononenko, V. I. Konov 458–463

Laser ablation of a titanium target in water silver nitrate solution
G. E. Val’yano, T. I. Borodina, M. M. Malikov, O. V. Sazhnova 464–468

Extremely compressed wave packets in axicon-focused optical radiation
E. D. Zaloznaya, A. E. Dormidonov, V. P. Kandidov 469–474

Laser plasma

Optical discharge modes supported by a pulsed CO2-laser with continuous pumping and Q-switching
V. I. Yakovlev, V. B. Shulyat’ev, M. A. Yadrenkin, T. A. Gimon 475–483

Fibre-optic systems

All-optical gain control of remote optically pumped amplifier
A. Yu. Igumenov, S. N. Lukinykh, O. E. Nanii, V. N. Treshchikov 484–489

Determination of dissipative soliton zones of generation in fiber lasers depending on the cavity dispersion and modulation depth of the saturable absorber
D. V. Khudyakov 490–495

Modeling the trajectories of oblique rays in optical fiber with stepped refractive index profile
A. A. Makovetskii, S. M. Popov, D. V. Ryakhovskii 496–502

Fibreoptic communication lines

Optimization of the period of equalizer arrangement in multi-span fiber-optic lines
M. A. Gorbashova, D. D. Starykh, O. E. Nanii, V. N. Treshchikov, I. P. Chebykin 503–509

Phase-modulated transmission format with non-central chirp over high-speed optical link communication without dispersion compensation
E. G. Shapiro, D. A. Shapiro 510–514


Monitoring the temperature of silicon nanoparticles in liquid by Raman scattering method with nanosecond pulsed laser excitation
N. S. Pokryshkin, I. D. Kuchumov, V. G. Yakunin, V. Yu. Timoshenko 515–518