2023, vol 53, number 7

By | 10.09.2024


Structure of axial modes of a diode laser with an external cavity containing a volume phase grating
A. P. Bogatov, A. E. Drakin, N. V. D’yachkov, G. T. Mikayelyan, V. A. Panarin 519–526

Control of laser radiation parameter

On the interference of femtosecond laser pulses during noncollinear acousto-optic interaction
K. B. Yushkov, A. I. Chizhikov, V. Ya. Molchanov 527–532

Effect of laser light on matter. Laser plasmas

Lasing from molecular nitrogen ions at a wavelength of 391.4 nm in laser plasma
I. A. Zyatikov, V. F. Losev 533–536

Fibre optics

Generation of supercontinuum in a nonlinear fiber light guide. Controlling the Raman soliton wavelength by controlling the polarization state of the pump pulse
D. A. Korobko, I. S. Panyaev, P. A. Itrin, I. O. Zolotovskii 537–545

The influence of the mode intensity profile on the population kinetics of terbium ion levels and the excitation of luminescence in a few-mode chalcogenide fiber
E. A. Romanova, N. Parshina, V. S. Shiryaev 546–555

Light modulation

Differentiation and integration of images in different channels using one acousto-optic filter
V. M. Kotov, S. V. Averin, A. A. Zenkina, A. S. Belousova, M. V. Karachevzeva, A. N. Bulyuk 556–560

Quantum Technologies

New high-reliability optical transmission modules based on powerful superluminescent diodes in the spectral range 1.5 – 1.6 μm
D. R. Sabitov, V. N. Svetogorov, Yu. L. Ryaboshtan, M. A. Ladugin, A. A. Marmalyuk, M. G. Vasil’ev, A. M. Vasil’ev, Yu. O. Kostin, A. A. Shelyakin 561–564

Generation of correlated photon pairs by a five-level quantum dot in a microcavity
A. V. Tsukanov 565–574


X-ray contrast properties of bismuth-based nanoformulations
M. S. Savinov, O. Griaznova, G. V. Tikhonowski, A. A. Popov, I. N. Zavestovskaya, S. M. Klimentov, A. V. Kabashin 575–579

Bi@SiO2 core@shell composites formation based on laser synthesized Bi nanoparticles
A. V. Skribitskaya, N. Korotkova, P. Kotelnikova, G. V. Tikhonowski, A. Popov, S. M. Klimentov, I. N. Zavestovskaya, A. V. Kabashin 580–582

Frequency standards

Photonic microwave oscillator with reduced phase noise at small offsets from the carrier frequency
A. S. Shelkovnikov, A. N. Kireev, D. A. Tyurikov, M. A. Gubin 583–587

Laser applications and other topics in quantum electronics

Parameters of electric spark microchannels in the near-anode region of the discharge
E. V. Parkevich, A. I. Khiryanova, T. F. Khiryanov, K. V. Shpakov, Ch. T. Smaznova, Ya. K. Bolotov, S. A. Ambrozevich 588–590

Modulation of recombination radiation in quantum wires by electric field and the possibility of its application in quantum electronics
A. M. Mandel, V. B. Oshurko, S. M. Pershin, E. E. Karpova 591–596