Generation and filtering of ultrashort pulses under reflection of a short intense laser pulse from solid targets

By | 15.09.2024

A. A. Andreev, K. Yu. Platonov

  • Saint Petersburg State University
  • Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg
  • Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
Abstract: The reflection of a relativistic intense short laser pulse upon oblique incidence on solid targets of various thicknesses and densities is considered. The aim of the work is to find the parameters of targets in which the reflected radiation contains several ultrashort pulses with a duration of up to hundreds of zeptoseconds. The generation of such pulses occurs due to oscillations of the reflecting electron layer in the target at the relativistic speed. The issue of the minimum achievable time duration of the individual reflected pulse for the currently experimentally accessible range of laser intensities of up to ∼1023 W/cm2 and the possibility of separating ultrashort pulses from the total electromagnetic signal of the reflected pulse are investigated.
Keywords: super strong laser fields, ultrashort coherent X-ray pulse, laser plasma.
Received: 26.11.2022
Revised: 08.02.2023