Absolute sensitivity calibration of multichannel detectors using laser plasma X-rays

By | 13.09.2024

A. P. Shevel’ko

  • P. N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Abstract: Absolute calibration procedure of multichannel CCD detectors using X-ray radiation of laser-produced plasmas is developed. Selections of radiation in the wavelength range λ = 2 – 10 Å is implemented by the monochromatisation method, i.e. the method for the formation of quasi-monochromatic divergent X-ray fluxes from laser-produced plasmas. The proposed method is applied for calibration of a CCD linear array (model Toshiba TCD 1304): an absolute detector sensitivity k0 = 0.08–0.2 photon (count pixel)-1, a quantum efficiency QE = 0.4–1.0, an effective thickness of the sensitivity layer h= 16±3 μm and detection limit DL= 1–2 photon pixel-1 are estimated. The calibrated detector is used in a focusing crystal spectrometer for registration of X-ray spectra of laser-produced plasmas in absolute intensity scale units (highly charged ions of Mg and Ti ions).
Keywords: X-ray metrology and spectroscopy, laser-produced plasmas, highly charged ions, X-ray spectrometers and detectors.
Received: 22.07.2022