Analysis of a device based on a multicore fiber with tapering cores for radiation summation in multichannel laser systems

By | 15.09.2024

Kh. Kh. Kumykov, A. V. Uskov, V. V. Bezotosnyi

  • Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 119991, Moscow, Russia
Abstract: The proposed fiber-optic device is an array of tapering cores in a common cladding. Possible applications of the device for radiation summation in multielement laser systems are discussed. The criterion is specified for the formation of the device parameters to obtain optically independent channels, which makes it possible to produce a narrow radiation beam in the far zone. Analytical expressions are derived for the radiation field in the far zone and the parameters of the device for obtaining a close-to-diffraction divergence. This device allows an unlimited increase in the number of emitters to increase the radiation power in a narrow beam.
Keywords: multicore fiber, tapering, coherent summation of radiation, multichannel laser systems, far zone, narrow beam.