Category Archives: Laser applications and other topics in quantum electronics

Some peculiarities of the near-band-edge emission from ZnO crystals grown on Si whiskers

Ch. M. Briskina, V. M. Markushev, L. A. Zadorozhnaya, M. E. Givargizov, V. N. Yashkov, I. S. Volchkov, V. M. Kanevsky Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography, Federal Scientific Research Centre ‘Crystallography and Photonics’, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow Abstract: The nature of the room-temperature… Read More »

InGaAs/InP PIN photodiode for optical receivers in pulsed-laser range finding systems

A. A. Koronnov, N. F. Salova, M. M. Zemlyanov, A. V. Grinin, A. E. Safutin, E. V. Kuznetsov, M. A. Ladugin, M. Yu. Kuznetsov, N. N. Bragin, A. V. Mamin M.F. Stel’makh Polyus Research Institute, Moscow K.G. Razumovsky State University of Technology and Management, Moscow Abstract: Based on an epitaxial InGaAs/InP structure, we have designed… Read More »