Generation of frequency-modulated optical IR pulses in a semiconductor waveguide structure with a realised space charge wave

By | 13.09.2024

A. S. Abramov, I. O. Zolotovskii, A. S. Kadochkin, S. G. Moiseev, I. S. Panyaev, D. G. Sannikov, M. S. Yavtushenko, V. V. Svetukhin, A. A. Fotiadi

  • Ulyanovsk State University
  • SPC “Technological Center” MIET
  • Institute of Nanotechnologies of Microelectronics, Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Université de Mons–Hainaut
Abstract: The conditions for amplification and modulation of electromagnetic radiation during its interaction with a space charge wave formed in a semiconductor cylindrical structure are considered. The possibility of implementing the resulting gain G > 105 m–1, as well as strong phase modulation (chirp) for wave packets propagating on the surface of a semiconductor cylindrical waveguide, is shown. A ring laser scheme is proposed that is capable of generating frequency-modulated subnanosecond pulses with a peak power of over 1 kW and a carrier frequency tunable over a wide spectral range.
Keywords: semiconductor cylindrical waveguide, space charge wave, phase modulation, generation of frequency-modulated pulses.
Received: 16.09.2022