High-resolution imaging spectrograph for the ultra-soft X-ray range

By | 12.09.2024

A. N. Shatokhina, A. O. Kolesnikova, V. N. Mikhailovb, V. P. Ratushnyib, E. N. Ragozina

  • P. N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
  • HoloGrate, Joint-Stock Company, St. Peterburg

Abstract: An imaging (stigmatic) spectrograph composed of a flat grazing-incidence VLS grating and a focusing broadband normal-incidence multilayer mirror (Mo/Be, 111–138 Å Mo/Si, 125–250 Å), which determines the operating spectral range, is fabricated and tested. Line emission spectra of multiply charged ions excited in a laser plasma are obtained. The spectral resolution and spatial resolution of the device are limited by the cell size (13 μm) of the detector and amounted to ∼103 and 26 μm, respectively. The stigmatism of the device makes it possible to use it for spectral diagnostics of plasma with a high spatial resolution. The device dimensions are about 1 m.

Keywords: imaging spectrograph, ultrasoft X-ray range, VLS grating, Mo/Be multilayer mirror, Mo/Si multilayer mirror, laser plasma.

Received: 04.07.2022