Laser ablation of a titanium target in water silver nitrate solution

By | 15.09.2024

G. E. Val’yano, T. I. Borodina, M. M. Malikov, O. V. Sazhnova

  • Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Abstract: The results of experiments on laser ablation of titanium in water silver nitrate solution using copper vapor laser radiation are presented. The possibility of doping with silver the surfaces of titanium oxide nanoparticles obtained in the process of laser ablation was studied. It was found that silver coating of titanium oxide nanostructures is mainly of non-uniform “islands-like” or “droplets-like” nature and, in addition, hybrid particles are formed. The morphology, the elemental and phase composition of ablation products were studied. A comparison of these results with the results of titanium ablation in pure water is presented. A significant influence of silver on the microstructure of the dried colloid sediment was revealed. The titanium oxides microparticles decorated with silver can find wide practical applications.
Keywords: titanium, titanium oxides, silver nitrate, laser ablation, silver doping, nanostructures, amorphous products.
Received: 18.04.2023
Revised: 28.06.2023