Magneto-optics and optomagnetism in nanostructures

By | 15.09.2024

D. O. Ignat’eva, A. V. Prisyazhnyuk, D. M. Krichevsky, V. I. Belotelov

  • Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119991, Moscow, Russia
  • Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, 295007, Simferopol, Russia
  • Russian Quantum Center, 121353, Moscow, Russia
  • Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University), 141700, Dolgoprudnyi, Moscow oblast, Russia
Abstract: A transition from uniform materials to metamaterials structured at scales that are smaller than the radiation wavelength makes it possible to control the interaction of light with matter due to the excitation and rearrangement of various optical modes of the structure. New phenomena and effects that arise during the interaction of light with nanostructured magnetic materials are described. Nanostructuring plays an important role both for magneto-optics (effect of magnetization of a material on a light wave), leading to a significant enhancement of magnetooptical effects and even emergence of new effects, and for optomagnetism (effect of laser pulses on magnetization), opening up a possibility of three-dimensional magnetic recording and excitation of exchange spin waves. If the size of the structure becomes on the order of tens or even units of nanometers, then quantum properties begin to appear, which are promising for the use of magnetic nanostructures for quantum technologies.
Keywords: magneto-optics, inverse magneto-optics, magnetic nanostructures
Received: 18.10.2023