Photonic quantum interface between subcarrier wave and polarization encoding of photonic qubits

By | 15.09.2024

K. S. Melnik, E. S. Moiseev, L. R. Gilyazov, S. A. Moiseev

  • Kazan Quantum Center, Tupolev Kazan National Research Technical University, 420111, Kazan, Russia
Abstract: We report a theoretical analysis of a photonic quantum interface, which makes it possible to deterministically convert photonic qubits from subcarrier wave to polarization encoding. The interface provides unambiguous conversion of an arbitrary phase of the input signal into the corresponding polarization of the converted radiation. Possibilities of implementing this interface in an integrated optical design and its use in constructing a hybrid quantum network are discussed.
Keywords: quantum communications, subcarrier wave encoding, photonic quantum interface, polarization encoding.
The work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (reg. no. NIOKTR 121020400113-1).
Received: 08.12.2023
Revised: 21.12.2023
Accepted: 01.02.2024