Quasi-cw high-power laser diode mini bars (λ=976 nm) with increased length of a resonator based on asymmetric heterostructures with a broadened waveguide

By | 13.09.2024

S. O. Slipchenko, A. A. Podoskin, V. A. Kryuchkov, V. A. Strelets, I. S. Shashkin, N. A. Pikhtin

  • Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg
Abstract: Mini laser bars with 6-mm resonator length that include 5×100 μm emitters with a 25% fill factor are designed. It is shown that under pump current pulses of 1.0–9.5 ms duration (a 10 Hz repetition rate) and an amplitude peak value up to 50 A, a high emitting efficiency of 1.03 W·A–1, corresponding to the power–current (PI) characteristic, is maintained, with a maximum peak power being 48.4 W. The ability of mini laser diode bars to work in the quasi-cw regime at heatsink temperatures up to 100° with maintenance of the PI curve linearity at a 25.7-W peak power and a 42-A pump current is demonstrated. A high uniformity in the distribution of radiation intensity in the far field with a divergence angle at half a maximum of 13° and 8° in the plane perpendicular and parallel to the heterostructure layers, respectively, is shown.
Keywords: diode laser bars, high-power semiconductor lasers, divergence in the perpendicular plane, quasi-cw regime.
Received: 21.11.2022
Accepted: 21.11.2022