Structure of axial modes of a diode laser with an external cavity containing a volume phase grating

By | 15.09.2024

A. P. Bogatov, A. E. Drakin, N. V. D’yachkov, G. T. Mikayelyan, V. A. Panarin

  • Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 119991, Moscow, Russia
  • Research and Production Enterprise Inject Ltd, 410033, Saratov, Russia
Abstract: Based on the technique using translation matrices, the complex frequencies of the axial modes of a diode laser with an external cavity containing a phase grating were calculated. The calculation results are in good agreement with previously obtained experimental results. The proposed technique makes it possible to predictably determine the spectral behavior of near-threshold lasing for complex multimirror cavities with different sets of parameters.
Keywords: diode laser, external cavity, translation matrices.
Received: 25.04.2023
Revised: 02.06.2023