Tag Archives: V. B. Tsvetkov

A two-mode disk laser with a sub-gigahertz difference frequency based on a degenerate resonator

D. A. Guryev, D. A. Nikolaev, V. B. Tsvetkov Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow Abstract: Two-frequency lasing is obtained in a disk laser with a two-mirror degenerate laser resonator with an M-shaped configuration of an intracavity off-axis beam path. Lasing is implemented on two transverse modes of the lowest… Read More »

Comparison of mode-locking regimes based on nonlinear rotation of the polarization plane in erbium-doped fibre lasers with dumbbell-shaped and ring cavities

A. D. Zverev, V. A. Kamynin, V. B. Tsvetkov, D. G. Kochiev Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow Abstract: Stable generation regimes of both single ultrashort pulses and pulse trains in the spectral range 1540–1600 nm are demonstrated for two configurations of dumbbell-shaped and ring fibre laser cavities. In both… Read More »