Temperature synchronism width for frequency conversion in BBO crystal

By | 15.09.2024

S. G. Grechin, I. A. Muravyov, D. G. Kochiev

  • Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
  • Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Abstract: The results of theoretical studies are presented, showing that in a BBO crystal in the entire transparency range there are directions with interactions that are not critical in temperature for three-wave processes. All phase-matched processes for frequency conversion (generation of harmonics, sum and difference frequencies, parametric generation) are temperature-critical, but can be realized with a record-high temperature phase-matching width (up to 150 °C·cm).
Keywords: nonlinear crystal, BBO(β-BaB2O4), frequency conversion, phase matching, temperature width.
Received: 09.03.2023
Revised: 08.04.2023