Fibre lasers
Fibre lasers
E. M. Dianov 1067
Bismuth-doped fibre laser continuously tunable within the range from 1.36 to 1.51 μm
V. M. Paramonov, M. I. Belovolov, V. F. Khopin, A. N. Gur’yanov, S. A. Vasil’ev, O. I. Medvedkov, M. A. Mel’kumov, E. M. Dianov 1068–1070
Phosphate glass core/silica clad fibres with a high concentration of active rare-earth ions
O. N. Egorova, B. I. Galagan, B. I. Denker, S. E. Sverchkov, S. L. Semenov 1071–1076
Picosecond 1.3-μm bismuth fibre laser mode-locked by a nonlinear loop mirror
A. M. Khegai, F. V. Afanas’ev, K. E. Riumkin, S. V. Firstov, V. F. Khopin, D. V. Myasnikov, M. A. Mel’kumov, E. M. Dianov 1077–1081
Picosecond holmium fibre laser pumped at 1125 nm
V. A. Kamynin, S. A. Filatova, I. V. Zhluktova, V. B. Tsvetkov 1082–1084
High-power pulsed ytterbium fibre laser with 10-μJ pulse energy
A. I. Trikshev, V. A. Kamynin, V. B. Tsvetkov, O. N. Egorova 1085–1088
Stabilisation of a radiation wavelength of a nanosecond fibre laser by a passive nonlinear loop mirror
S. S. Aleshkina, O. I. Medvedkov, M. I. Belovolov, M. M. Bubnov, M. E. Likhachev 1089–1091
Fibre laser system providing generation of frequency-modulated pulses with a spectral width exceeding the gain linewidth
I. O. Zolotovskii, D. A. Korobko, D. A. Stolyarov 1092–1096
High-power cw visible lasers pumped by Raman fibre lasers
A. A. Surin, S. V. Larin, T. E. Borisenko, K. Yu. Prusakov, Yu. S. Stirmanov 1097–1101
Generation of linearly polarised light near 1.4 μm in a cascaded, random distributed feedback Raman laser
E. A. Zlobina, S. I. Kablukov, S. A. Babin 1102–1105
Mode selection in a directly diode-pumped Raman fibre laser using FBGs in a graded-index multimode fibre
S. I. Kablukov, E. A. Zlobina, M. I. Skvortsov, I. N. Nemov, A. A. Wolf, A. V. Dostovalov, S. A. Babin 1106–1109
Stabilisation of a fibre frequency synthesiser using acousto-optical and electro-optical modulators
N. A. Koliada, B. N. Nyushkov, V. S. Pivtsov, A. S. Dychkov, S. A. Farnosov, V. I. Denisov, S. N. Bagayev 1110–1112
Compensation for nonlinear effects in an optical orthogonal frequency-division multiplexed signal using adaptive modulation
A. S. Skidin, O. S. Sidelnikov, M. P. Fedoruk 1113–1116
Evaluation of the capacity of communication lines with nonlinear finite memory
E. G. Shapiro, D. A. Shapiro 1117–1120
Design of high-bit-rate coherent communication links
V. A. Konyshev, A. V. Leonov, O. E. Nanii, A. G. Novikov, V. N. Treshchikov, R. R. Ubaydullaev 1121–1128
Hollow-core microstructured ‘revolver’ fibre for the UV spectral range
A. D. Pryamikov, A. F. Kosolapov, G. K. Alagashev, A. N. Kolyadin, V. V. Vel’miskin, A. S. Biriukov, I. A. Bufetov 1129–1133
Multicore optical fibre and fibre-optic delay line based on it
O. N. Egorova, M. S. Astapovich, M. E. Belkin, S. L. Semenov 1134–1138
Femtosecond optical-to-microwave frequency divider with a relative instability of 10−4−10−16 (τ=1−100 s)
A. N. Kireev, A. V. Tausenev, D. A. Tyurikov, A. S. Shelkovnikov, D. V. Shepelev, A. V. Konyashchenko, M. A. Gubin 1139–1141
Laser applications and other topics in quantum electronics
Strontium vapour laser with ionisation and recombination mechanisms of inversion formation
A. N. Soldatov, G. D. Chebotarev, E. L. Latush, Yu. P. Polunin, A. S. Shumeiko, N. A. Yudin 1142–1145
Control of the phase characteristics of Stokes waves in a Michelson interferometer with SBS mirrors
A. A. Gordeev, V. F. Efimkov, I. G. Zubarev, S. I. Mikhailov 1146–1148
Generation of frequency-tunable pulsed terahertz radiation by a Cr:forsterite laser system with an acoustooptical control of the pulse temporal profile
A. V. Ovchinnikov, O. V. Chefonov, V. Ya. Molchanov, K. B. Yushkov, C. Vicario, C. Hauri 1149–1153
Laser structuring of the diamond surface in the nanoablation regime
V. M. Gololobov, V. V. Kononenko, V. I. Konov 1154–1158
Study of an electrodynamic system consisting of a laser cavity and an external weakly reflecting element
A. D. Shatrov, M. N. Dubrov, D. V. Aleksandrov 1159–1162
A bolometer based on single-walled carbon nanotubes and hybrid materials
D. S. Kopylova, N. Yu. Boldyrev, V. Ya. Yakovlev, Yu. G. Gladush, A. G. Nasibulin 1163–1169