2017, vol 47, number 2

By | 16.09.2024

Interaction of laser radiation with matter. Laser plasma

Generation of attosecond electron bunches upon laser pulse propagation through a sharp plasma boundary
S. V. Kuznetsov 87–96

Study of the hydrodynamics of the formation of flows caused by the interaction of a shock wave with two-dimensional density perturbations on the Iskra-5 laser facility
A. V. Babanov, M. A. Barinov, S. P. Barinov, R. V. Garanin, N. V. Zhidkov, N. A. Kalmykov, V. P. Kovalenko, S. N. Kokorin, A. V. Pinegin, E. Yu. Solomatina, I. I. Solomatin, N. A. Suslov 97–100

Optical emission of a plasma from low-density targets irradiated with coherence-controllable laser radiation
A. A. Fronya, N. G. Borisenko, V. N. Puzyrev, A. T. Sahakyan, A. N. Starodub, O. F. Yakushev 101–105

Two-sided conical laser target for a neutron source of a hybrid nuclear-thermonuclear reactor
I. G. Lebo, E. A. Isaev, A. I. Lebo 106–110

Nonlinear optical phenomena

Room- and low-temperature transmission of diffusion-doped Fe2+ : ZnSe polycrystal at 2940 nm
N. N. Il’ichev, G. A. Bufetova, È. S. Gulyamova, P. P. Pashinin, A. V. Sidorin, V. I. Polyanskii, V. P. Kalinushkin, E. M. Gavrishchuk, V. B. Ikonnikov, D. V. Savin 111–115

Electron microscopy

Ultrafast transmission electron microscope for studying the dynamics of the processes induced by femtosecond laser beams
S. V. Andreev, S. A. Aseev, V. N. Bagratashvili, N. S. Vorob’ev, A. A. Ischenko, V. O. Kompanets, A. L. Malinovsky, B. N. Mironov, A. A. Timofeev, S. V. Chekalin, E. V. Shashkov, E. A. Ryabov 116–122

Fiber optics

A magneto-optical study of bismuth-doped MgO – Al2O3 – SiO2 glass: on the nature of near-infrared luminescence
A. V. Laguta, B. I. Denker, S. E. Sverchkov, I. M. Razdobreev 123–134

Light modulation

Acousto-optic gyrotropic-crystal-based modulator with a rotating polarisation vector
V. M. Kotov, S. V. Averin, E. V. Kotov, A. I. Voronko, S. A. Tikhomirov 135–139


Potentialities of laser systems for remote sensing of the atmosphere at a wide variability of optical and physical characteristics: dimensionless-parametric modelling
R. R. Agishev 140–152


Ecophotonics: assessment of temperature gradient in aquatic organisms using up-conversion luminescent particles
E. K. Volkova, I. Yu. Yanina, A. P. Popov, A. V. Bykov, A. N. Gurkov, E. V. Borvinskaya, M. A. Timofeyev, I. V. Meglinski 153–157

Control of cell interaction using quasi-monochromatic light with varying spatiotemporal coherence
A. V. Budagovsky, M. V. Maslova, O. N. Budagovskaya, I. A. Budagovsky 158–162

Quantum cryptography

Analysis of coherent quantum cryptography protocol vulnerability to an active beam-splitting attack
D. A. Kronberg, E. O. Kiktenko, A. K. Fedorov, Yu. V. Kurochkin 163–168

Optical gates

All-optical XNOR gate based on 2D photonic-crystal ring resonators
Tamer A. Moniem 169–172