2018, vol 48, number 9

By | 16.09.2024


Quantum cryptography and combined schemes of quantum cryptography communication networks
A. Yu. Bykovsky, I. N. Kompanets 777–801


Lasing characteristic of new Russian laser ceramics
V. V. Bezotosnyi, V. V. Balashov, V. D. Bulaev, A. A. Kaminskii, A. Yu. Kanaev, V. B. Kravchenko, A. V. Kiselev, Yu. L. Kopylov, A. L. Koromyslov, O. N. Krokhin, K. V. Lopukhin, S. L. Lysenko, M. A. Pankov, K. A. Polevov, Yu. M. Popov, E. A. Cheshev, I. M. Tupitsyn 802–806

Modelling the spectral characteristics of 1.5–1.6 μm high-power asymmetric-waveguide single-mode laser diodes
V. D. Kurnosov, K. V. Kurnosov 807–812

Subpicosecond pulse generation above 2 μm in longitudinally inhomogeneous single-mode fibres
I. O. Zolotovskii, D. A. Korobko, V. Rastogi, D. A. Stolyarov, A. A. Sysolyatin 813–817

Generation of subpicosecond pulses due to the development of modulation instability of whispering-gallery-mode wave packets in an optical waveguide with a travelling refractive-index wave
I. O. Zolotovskii, D. A. Korobko, V. A. Lapin, P. P. Moronov, D. I. Sementsov, A. A. Fotiadi, M. S. Yavtushenko 818–822

Nonlinear optical phenomena

Observation of stimulated thermal scattering of light upon nonsteady-state interaction between a laser pulse and a medium
A. A. Gordeev, V. F. Efimkov, I. G. Zubarev, S. I. Mikhailov 823–825

Interaction of laser radiation with matter. Laser plasma

Temporal dynamics of air plasma glow under different focusing conditions of a femtosecond radiation pulse
N. G. Ivanov, V. F. Losev, V. E. Prokop’ev 826–832

Quantum electrodynamic cascade structure in a standing linearly polarised wave
A. V. Bashinov, P. Kumar, A. V. Kim 833–842

Quantum cryptography

Role of intensity fluctuations in quantum cryptography with coherent states
D. A. Kronberg, Yu. V. Kurochkin 843–848

Terahertz radiation

Continuous-wave laser generation of THz slow surface plasmons in an array of single-walled carbon nanotubes
S. A. Afanas’ev, I. O. Zolotovskii, A. S. Kadochkin, S. G. Moiseev, V. V. Svetukhin, A. A. Pavlov 849–853

Integrated optics

Planar waveguide structures based on SrF2 : Ho, Er, Tm. Dependence of the refractive index on the dopant concentration
A. Ya. Karasik, V. A. Konyushkin, A. N. Nakladov, D. S. Chunaev 854–855

Organic photonics

Optical and photoelectric properties of multichromic cyanine dye J-aggregates
B. I. Shapiro, A. D. Nekrasov, E. V. Manulik, V. S. Krivobok, V. S. Lebedev 856–866

Laser applications and other topics in quantum electronics

Comparative analysis of waveguide plasmon–polariton refractometers based on excitation of surface, symmetric, and antisymmetric plasmon modes
A. V. Dyshlyuk, O. B. Vitrik, Yu. N. Kulchin 867–878