2020, vol 50, number 8

By | 16.09.2024


Smart adaptive optical system for correcting the laser wavefront distorted by atmospheric turbulence
A. L. Rukosuev, V. N. Belousov, A. N. Nikitin, Yu. V. Sheldakova, A. V. Kudryashov, V. A. Bogachev, M. V. Volkov, S. G. Garanin, F. A. Starikov 707–709

Lasers, active media

Quantum cascade laser with bound-to-quasi-continuum optical transitions at a temperature of up to 371 K
I. S. Molodtsov, N. A. Raspopov, A. V. Lobintsov, A. I. Danilov, A. B. Krysa, I. I. Zasavitskii 710–713

Low-threshold, single-transverse-mode, 940-nm vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser with a mode filter and half-wavelength cavity
Q. H. Ren, J. Wang, M. Yang, H. J. Wang, Z. Cheng, Y. Q. Huang, X. M. Ren, H. M. Ji, S. Luo 714–719

10-W 4.6-μm quantum cascade lasers
V. V. Dyudelev, D. A. Mikhailov, A. V. Babichev, S. N. Losev, E. A. Kognovitskaya, A. V. Lyutetskiy, S. O. Slipchenko, N. A. Pikhtin, A. G. Gladyshev, D. V. Denisov, I. I. Novikov, L. Ya. Karachinsky, V. I. Kuchinskii, A. Yu. Egorov, G. S. Sokolovskii 720–721

Leaky wave in high-power AlGaAs/InGaAs/GaAs semiconductor lasers
Yu. K. Bobretsova, D. A. Veselov, A. A. Klimov, V. A. Kryuchkov, I. S. Shashkin, S. O. Slipchenko, N. A. Pikhtin 722–726

Lasing characteristics of ZrO2 – Y2O3 – Ho2O3 crystals pumped by a Tm : LiYF4 laser
P. A. Ryabochkina, S. A. Artemov, N. G. Zakharov, E. V. Saltykov, K. V. Vorontsov, A. N. Chabushkin, E. E. Lomonova 727–729

Kinetics of the luminescence decay of Fe2+ impurity centres in polycrystalline ZnSe upon excitation by an electron beam
N. N. Il’ichev, A. A. Gladilin, È. S. Gulyamova, V. P. Kalinushkin, S. A. Mironov, A. V. Sidorin, P. P. Pashinin, V. V. Tumorin, E. M. Gavrishchuk, D. V. Savin, S. A. Rodin, V. B. Ikonnikov, M. V. Chukichev 730–733

Control of laser radiation parameters

Optomechanical interaction in fibre lasers with micro-optomechanical resonance structures
F. A. Egorov, V. T. Potapov 734–741

Scheme for stabilising the phase and arrival time of ultrashort laser pulses in a coherent beam combining fibre system
A. V. Andrianov, A. P. Korobeynikova 742–749

Interaction of laser radiation with matter. Laser plasma

Effect of focused nanosecond laser pulse irradiation on microtribological properties of diamond-like films
V. D. Frolov, P. A. Pivovarov, E. V. Zavedeev, M. L. Shupegin, S. M. Pimenov 750–755

Peculiarities of the formation of photonic nanojets by a matrix of dielectric microtoroids
Yu. E. Geints, E. K. Panina, A. A. Zemlyanov 756–762

Experimental investigation of laser ablation of stone polycrystalline targets
I. N. Burdonskii, A. G. Leonov, K. N. Makarov, V. N. Yufa 763–769

Effect of optical field ionisation on the generation of wake fields by femtosecond laser pulses in an inhomogeneous plasma
I. R. Umarov, N. E. Andreev 770–775

Effect of finite ion mass on relativistic self-induced transparency of plasma layers with a sharp boundary
N. A. Mikheitsev, A. V. Korzhimanov 776–781

Nonlinear optical phenomena

BaGa2GeS6 and BaGa2GeSe6 crystals for nonlinear optical frequency conversion
S. G. Grechin, P. P. Nikolaev, A. A. Ionin, I. O. Kinyaevsky, Yu. M. Andreev 782–787

Influence of growth temperature of KTiOAsO4 single crystals on their physicochemical parameters and formation of domain structures
L. I. Isaenko, A. P. Eliseev, D. B. Kolker, V. N. Vedenyapin, S. A. Zhurkov, E. Yu. Erushin, N. Yu. Kostyukova, A. A. Boyko, V. Ya. Shur, A. R. Akhmatkhanov, M. A. Chuvakova 788–792

Laser medicine

Heat transfer in water under laser heating through fibres for endovenous laser coagulation
V. P. Minaev, N. V. Minaev, V. Yu. Bogachev, K. A. Kaperiz, D. A. Fedorov, V. I. Yusupov 793–800