2020, vol 50, number 7

By | 16.09.2024

Holographic technologies (selection of papers from the HOLOEXRO 2019 conference)

Research on holography in Russia
S. B. Odinokov, V. Yu. Venediktov 613

Holographic wavefront sensors
V. Yu. Venediktov, A. V. Gorelaya, G. K. Krasin, S. B. Odinokov, A. A. Sevryugin, E. V. Shalymov 614–622

Limiting spectral and angular characteristics of multilayer relief – phase diffraction microstructures
G. I. Greisukh, E. G. Ezhov, A. I. Antonov, V. A. Danilov, B. A. Usievich 623–628

Diffractive optical elements for multiplexing structured laser beams
N. L. Kazanskii, S. N. Khonina, S. V. Karpeev, A. P. Porfirev 629–635

Phase-shift speckle-shearing interferometry
G. N. Vishnyakov, A. D. Ivanov, G. G. Levin, V. L. Minaev 636–642

Methods and algorithms for computer synthesis of holographic elements to obtain a complex impulse response of optical information processing systems based on modern spatial light modulators
E. Yu. Zlokazov 643–652

Bragg grating inscription in photosensitive materials by an optical replication process
S. B. Odinokov, A. Yu. Zherdev, M. V. Shishova, A. B. Solomashenko, D. S. Lushnikov, V. V. Markin 653–657

Holographic reflective Bragg gratings of gain and their role in the operation of high-power pulsed lasers
A. P. Pogoda, A. A. Sergeev, I. S. Khakhalin, E. E. Popov, N. L. Istomina, A. S. Boreysho, V. M. Petrov 658–661

Three-colour digital holographic microscopy based on a Mach – Zender interferometer and a solid-state RGB laser
A. I. Lyashenko, O. V. Pol’shchikova, A. S. Machikhin, A. G. Vlasova, V. È. Pozhar, A. B. Kozlov 662–666

High-speed implementation of holographic and diffraction elements using digital micromirror devices
N. N. Evtikhiev, E. Yu. Zlokazov, V. V. Krasnov, V. G. Rodin, R. S. Starikov, P. A. Cheremkhin 667–674

Limiting the number of quantisation levels of a harmonic lens as a method for improving the quality of the generated image
R. V. Skidanov, S. V. Ganchevskaya, V. S. Vasilev, N. L. Kazanskii 675–678

Features of correlation measurements of the parameters of pulsed hyperspectral optical fields using an asymmetric interferometer
M. S. Kulya, V. Ya. Katkovnik, K. Egiazarian, N. V. Petrov 679–682


Optically pumped semiconductor laser based on a type-II CdS/ZnSe heterostructure
M. R. Butaev, V. I. Kozlovsky, Ya. K. Skasyrsky 683–687

On “incorrectness” of the rate equation for photon density of semiconductor lasers
V. D. Kurnosov, K. V. Kurnosov 688–693

Control of laser radiation parameters

Phasing of seven-channel fibre laser radiation with dynamic turbulent phase distortions using a stochastic parallel gradient algorithm at a bandwidth of 450 kHz
M. V. Volkov, S. G. Garanin, T. I. Kozlova, M. I. Konoval’tsov, A. V. Kopalkin, R. S. Lebedev, F. A. Starikov, O. L. Techko, S. V. Tyutin, S. V. Khokhlov, V. S. Tsykin 694–699

Nonlinear-optics phenomena

Multifrequency stimulated Raman scattering of light in a calcite single crystal
V. S. Gorelik, A. V. Skrabatun, V. A. Orlovich, A. I. Vodchits 700–706