2019, vol 49, number 9

By | 16.09.2024


High-coupling distributed feedback lasers for the 1.55 μm spectral region
V. V. Dyudelev, D. A. Mikhailov, D. V. Chistyakov, E. A. Kognovitskaya, A. V. Lyutetskiy, S. O. Slipchenko, N. A. Pikhtin, A. G. Gladyshev, D. V. Denisov, K. O. Voropaev, A. S. Ionov, A. V. Babichev, I. I. Novikov, L. Ya. Karachinsky, V. I. Kuchinskii, A. Yu. Egorov, G. S. Sokolovskii 801–803


Nd3+:YAG laser based on the 4F3/2 → 4I13/2 secondary transition with a phase-conjugate electro-optically Q-switched open multiloop cavity
M. N. Ershkov, S. A. Solokhin, S. N. Smetanin, A. V. Gavrilov, A. V. Fedin 804–809

Superluminescent diodes of the 770–790-nm range based on semiconductor nanostructures with narrow quantum wells
A. S. Anikeev, T. A. Bagaev, S. N. Il’chenko, M. A. Ladugin, A. A. Marmalyuk, A. A. Padalitsa, K. M. Pankratov, V. R. Shidlovskiĭ, S. D. Yakubovich 810–813

Tetrafluoroethylene as a fuel component for an atomic fluorine generator of a supersonic continuous-wave chemical HF laser
I. A. Fedorov 814–818

Effect of recovery time of nonlinear absorber saturated losses on the soliton pulse structure in a fibre laser with different cavity lengths
A. A. Mastin, P. A. Ryabochkina 819–823

Interaction of laser radiation with matter. Laser plasma

Laser formation of luminescence bubble microstructures in polymer films
A. O. Rybaltovskii, A. A. Akovantseva, V. F. Burdukovskiy, L. I. Krotova, N. V. Minaev, P. S. Timashev, B. Ch. Holhoev, V. I. Yusupov 824–831

Laser photoionisation selectivity of 177Lu radionuclide for medical applications
I. V. Ageeva, A. B. D’yachkov, A. A. Gorkunov, A. V. Labozin, S. M. Mironov, V. Ya. Panchenko, V. A. Firsov, G. O. Tsvetkov, E. G. Tsvetkova 832–838

Versitile X-ray diagnostics of laser-produced high-temperature plasmas using an ultra-high luminosity spectrometer
A. P. Shevel’ko 839–844

Nonlinear optical phenomena

SRS converter – compressor of femtosecond ytterbium laser pulses
A. V. Konyashchenko, L. L. Losev, V. S. Pazyuk 845–849

Propagation of surface waves along a dielectric layer in a photorefractive crystal with a diffusion mechanism for the nonlinearity formation
S. E. Savotchenko 850–856

Frequency standards

Acousto-optic modulators for a controlled frequency shift of light beams in optical and microwave cold-atom frequency standards
V. M. Epikhin, V. N. Baryshev, S. N. Slyusarev, A. V. Aprelev, I. Yu. Blinov 857–862

Analysis of the light shift in the hyper-Ramsey scheme of two-level atom interrogation in an optically dense medium
K. A. Barantsev, A. N. Litvinov 863–867


Localised plasmons in sphere-like fullerenes and nanoparticles with conducting shells: Classical electrodynamic approach
M. V. Davidovich 868–877

Laser applications and other topics in quantum electronics

On exact determination of small radiation frequency shifts using a Fabry–Perot interferometer
A. A. Gordeev, V. F. Efimkov, I. G. Zubarev, S. I. Mikhailov 878–880

Analysis of spectroscopic information for detecting methane emissions on local paths using CO and He – Ne lasers
O. K. Voitsekhovskaya, D. E. Kashirskii, O. V. Shefer 881–886

Recording of pulsed currents by a fibre-optic Faraday effect-based sensor with limited frequency band
V. P. Gubin, N. I. Starostin, Ya. V. Przhiyalkovskiy, S. K. Morshnev, A. I. Sazonov 887–893


In memory of Vyacheslav Petrovich Makarov (14 February 1938 – 6 August 2019)
O. N. Krokhin, I. A. Shcherbakov, V. V. Osiko, V. I. Konov, S. V. Garnov, P. P. Pashinin, N. G. Gusein-zade, A. K. Zvezdin, A. M. Ignatov, S. A. Mayorov, A. A. Samokhin, V. A. Ivanov, I. K. Krasyuk, N. N. Il’ichev, V. V. Smirnov, V. V. Apollonov, M. V. Fedorov, S. N. Andreev, V. P. Bystrov, K. K. Pukhov, I. B. Kovsh, A. S. Semenov 894