2021, vol 51, number 8

By | 15.09.2024


Modern methods of detecting single photons and their application in quantum communications
A. A. Koziy, A. V. Losev, V. V. Zavodilenko, Yu. V. Kurochkin, A. A. Gorbatsevich 655–669


Formation of a waveguide in a LiF crystal by a mid-IR light bullet
A. V. Kuznetsov, A. E. Dormidonov, V. O. Kompanets, S. V. Chekalin, V. P. Kandidov 670–678

Laser amplification in an Yb : YAG active mirror with a significant temperature gradient
G. V. Kuptsov, V. A. Petrov, V. V. Petrov, A. V. Laptev, A. O. Konovalova, A. V. Kirpichnikov, E. V. Pestryakov 679–682

Control of laser radiation parameters

Passive method of laser radiation smoothing using spectral dispersion
D. V. Sizmin, V. N. Pugacheva, K. V. Starodubtsev, L. A. Dushina, O. I. Gorchakov, V. N. Derkach, I. N. Voronich 683–686

System of fibre-optic smoothing of laser radiation on the Luch laser facility
D. V. Sizmin, V. N. Pugacheva, K. V. Starodubtsev, L. A. Dushina, O. I. Gorchakov, V. N. Derkach, I. N. Voronich 687–691

Parametric amplification in optical fibre with longitudinally varying dispersion
Yu. A. Mazhirina, L. A. Melnikov, A. A. Sysolyatin, A. I. Konyukhov, K. S. Gochelashvili, Deepa Venkitesh, S. Sarkar 692–699

Interaction of laser radiation with matter

Measurements of the absolute intensities of spectral lines of Kr, Ar, and O ions in the wavelength range of 10–18 nm under pulsed laser excitation
A. V. Vodopyanov, S. A. Garakhin, I. G. Zabrodin, S. Yu. Zuev, A. Ya. Lopatin, A. N. Nechai, A. E. Pestov, A. A. Perekalov, R. S. Pleshkov, V. N. Polkovnikov, N. N. Salashchenko, R. M. Smertin, B. A. Ulasevich, N. I. Chkhalo 700–707

Active elements in the form of thin rods of square cross section for multichannel laser amplifiers
I. I. Kuznetsov 708–711

Nonlinear optical phenomena

Nonlinear absorption of laser radiation by aluminium particles in a potassium bromide matrix
A. S. Zverev, A. V. Kalenskii, G. E. Ovchinnikov, A. A. Zvekov, E. V. Galkina 712–717

Quantum Photonics

Principle of measuring the electron population of a quantum dot using a single-photon transistor based on an array of quantum dots
A. V. Tsukanov 718–726

Concept of a miniature photonic spatial switch based on an off-axis zone plate
Yu. E. Geints, O. V. Minin, I. V. Minin 727–729

A theoretical study of the group refractive index ng in a four-level inverted Y-type system formed by 87Rb atom – laser radiation interaction
R. Hazra, M. M. Hossain 730–743

Works on quantum entanglement

Who are the dominant players in the experimental field of quantum entanglement? A bibliometric analysis
Y. D. Xie, Q. Wu, X. C. Li, Y. Gao, P. Zhang, S. J. Wu, Y. Y. Liu, N. Zhang 744–750