2017, vol 47, number 11

By | 16.09.2024


Spectral and power characteristics of a 5% Tm : KLu(WO4)2 Nm-cut minislab laser passively Q-switched by a Cr2+ : ZnSe crystal
S. M. Vatnik, I. A. Vedin, P. F. Kurbatov, E. A. Smolina, A. A. Pavlyuk, Yu. V. Korostelin, Ya. K. Skasyrsky 981–985

Optimisation of the parameters of a broadband multibeam-pumped optical parametric amplifier
S. A. Frolov, V. I. Trunov, E. V. Pestryakov 986–991

Equivalent circuit-level model of quantum cascade lasers with integrated hot-electron and hot-phonon effects
H R Yousefvand 992–999

QML-generation dynamics of a solid-state laser with an acousto-optic travelling wave modulator
O. E. Nanii, A. I. Odintsov, A. I. Panakov, A. P. Smirnov, A. I. Fedoseev 1000–1004

Nonlinear optical phenomena

Evolution of the Rayleigh scattering from mixed Ar/Kr clusters during their saturation with krypton atoms
I. A. Zhvaniya, M. S. Dzhidzhoev, A. V. Balakin, N. A. Kuzechkin, A. P. Shkurinov, V. M. Gordienko 1005–1008

Practical application of the adiabatic approximation and its simplified version for solving a nonintegrable system of nonlinear Schrödinger equations
V. A. Makarov, V. M. Petnikova 1009–1011

Laser technologies

Low-coherence interferometry as a tool for monitoring laser micro- and nanoprocessing of diamond surfaces
V. V. Kononenko, E. V. Bushuev, E. V. Zavedeev, P. V. Volkov, A. Yu. Luk’yanov, V. I. Konov 1012–1016

Interaction of laser radiation with matter. Laser plasma

Laser-induced modification of graphene in the presence of ethanol on a graphene–substrate interface
P. A. Pivovarov, V. D. Frolov, E. V. Zavedeev, V. I. Konov 1017–1022

Radial acceleration of ions during adiabatic expansion of a multicomponent cylindrical plasma
V. F. Kovalev, S. G. Bochkarev, V. Yu. Bychenkov 1023–1030

Laser medicine and biology

Study of blood plasma optical properties in mice grafted with Ehrlich carcinoma in the frequency range 0.1–1.0 THz
O. A. Smolyanskaya, O. V. Kravtsenyuk, A. V. Panchenko, E. L. Odlyanitskiy, J. P. Guillet, O. P. Cherkasova, M. K. Khodzitskii 1031–1040

On contrast of biological X-ray nanomicroscopy
I. A. Artyukov, A. V. Vinogradov, N. L. Popov 1041–1044

Coherent beam addition

Phasing of two amplifier channels for the coherent combining of laser beams with a total power of 60 W
A. I. Trikshev, Yu. N. Pyrkov, V. B. Tsvetkov 1045–1048

Optical information transmission

Influence of nonlinear interaction on the capacity of an optical dispersion-compensating channel
E. G. Shapiro, D. A. Shapiro 1049–1052

Integrated optics

Modes of a nonlinear planar waveguide with a dielectric layer immersed in a hyperbolic medium
E. I. Lyashko, A. I. Maimistov 1053–1063

Laser applications and other topics in quantum electronics

Electrooptic despeckler based on helix-free ferroelectric liquid crystal
A. L. Andreev, N. V. Zalyapin, T. B. Andreeva, I. N. Kompanets 1064–1068

Determination of the fraction of excited iodine atoms produced by dissociation of iodides in a self-sustained pulsed discharge
N. P. Vagin, I. V. Kochetov, A. P. Napartovich, N. N. Yuryshev 1069–1074