2020, vol 50, number 6

By | 16.09.2024

Physics of ultra cold atoms and their applications

Physics of ultracold atoms in Russia: topical research
I. I. Ryabtsev, N. N. Kolachevsky, A. V. Taichenachev 519

Trapping of lithium atoms in a large hollow optical dipole trap
V. A. Vinogradov, K. A. Karpov, S. S. Lukashov, A. V. Turlapov 520–524

Effect of boundary conditions on fluctuations of the Bose condensate of interacting atoms
S. V. Tarasov 525–529

Atom femtosecond optical trap based on spectrally filtered laser radiation
A. M. Mashko, A. A. Meysterson, A. E. Afanas’ev, V. I. Balykin 530–536

Control of atomic Bose – Einstein condensate with interferometric feedback probing
V. A. Tomilin, L. V. Il’ichev 537–542

Trapping and detection of single rubidium atoms in an optical dipole trap using a long-focus objective lens
I. I. Beterov, E. A. Yakshina, D. B. Tret’yakov, V. M. Èntin, U. Singh, Ya. V. Kudlaev, K. Yu. Mityanin, K. A. Panov, N. V. Al’yanova, I. I. Ryabtsev 543–550

Laser cooling of atoms at narrow optical transitions in fields with a polarisation gradient
R. Ya. Il’enkov, O. N. Prudnikov, A. V. Taichenachev, V. I. Yudin 551–555

Structure of a chaotic tangle of quantum vortices in turbulent superfluid liquids and in a Bose – Einstein condensate
S. K. Nemirovskii 556–560

Study of saturated-absorption resonances on the 3P0,1,2 – 3D1,2,3 transitions of magnesium atoms in a hollow-cathode discharge cell
A. N. Goncharov, O. A. Klimacheva, A. O. Mel’nikova 561–565

Detection of the clock transition in thulium atoms by using repump laser radiation
D. O. Tregubov, A. A. Golovizin, E. S. Fedorova, D. A. Mishin, D. I. Provorchenko, K. Yu. Khabarova, V. N. Sorokin, N. N. Kolachevsky 566–570

Resonances of electromagnetically induced transparency and absorption in a light field of elliptically polarised waves
D. V. Kovalenko, M. Yu. Basalaev, V. I. Yudin, A. V. Taichenachev 571–575

Miniature quantum frequency standard based on the phenomenon of coherent population trapping in vapours of 87Rb atoms
M. N. Skvortsov, S. M. Ignatovich, V. I. Vishnyakov, N. L. Kvashnin, I. S. Mesenzova, D. V. Brazhnikov, V. A. Vasil’ev, A. V. Taichenachev, V. I. Yudin, S. N. Bagayev, I. Yu. Blinov, V. G. Pal’chikov, Yu. S. Samokhvalov, D. A. Parekhin 576–580

Sum of oscillator-strength moments and asymptotic behaviour of thermally induced broadening and shift of energy levels of Rydberg atom circular states
I. L. Glukhov, A. A. Kamenski, V. D. Ovsyannikov 581–589

Compensation of residual amplitude modulation fluctuations in an optoelectronic system for laser radiation frequency stabilisation
D. S. Kryuchkov, N. O. Zhadnov, K. S. Kudeyarov, G. A. Vishnyakova, K. Yu. Khabarova, N. N. Kolachevsky 590–594

Interference in between the acts of pre- and postselection
A. Rostom 595–599


1.5 – 1.6 μm semiconductor lasers with an asymmetric periodic optically coupled waveguide
O. O. Bagaeva, A. I. Danilov, A. V. Ivanov, V. D. Kurnosov, K. V. Kurnosov, Yu. V. Kurnyavko, M. A. Ladugin, A. A. Marmalyuk, V. I. Romantsevich, Yu. L. Ryaboshtan, V. A. Simakov, V. N. Svetogorov, R. V. Chernov 600–602

Laser plasma

Soft X-ray and EUV emission spectra of beryllium plasma produced by neodymium-glass laser radiation with broad frequency and angular spectra
A. T. Sahakyan, S. N. Andreev, A. A. Kologrivov, T. T. Kondratenko, V. N. Puzyrev, A. N. Starodub, I. Yu. Tolstikhina, A. A. Fronya, O. F. Yakushev 603–607


Spectral features of colloidal solutions of elongated gold nanoparticles produced by laser ablation in aqueous solutions
M. I. Zhil’nikova, G. A. Shafeev, E. V. Barmina, Yu. L. Kalachev, O. V. Uvarov 608–612