2021, vol 51, number 12

By | 15.09.2024

Selection of reports presented at the 8th All-Russian conference on fibre optics (5-8 October 2021, Perm) (compiled and edited by S.L.Semjonov)

Single-frequency erbium-doped fibre laser with random distributed feedback based on disordered structures produced by femtosecond laser radiation
M. I. Skvortsov, S. R. Abdullina, A. A. Wolf, A. V. Dostovalov, A. E. Churin, O. N. Egorova, S. L. Semenov, K. V. Proskurina, S. A. Babin 1051–1055

Optimisation of the efficiency of tapered erbium-doped optical fibre
M. M. Khudyakov, A. E. Levchenko, V. V. Vel’miskin, K. K. Bobkov, S. S. Aleshkina, M. M. Bubnov, M. V. Yashkov, A. N. Gur’yanov, L. V. Kotov, M. E. Likhachev 1056–1060

Generation of high-energy single pulses and pulse clusters in ytterbium fibre lasers with quasi-synchronous modulation of the pump power
A. V. Ivanenko, B. N. Nyushkov, S. V. Smirnov 1061–1067

Mid-IR supercontinuum generation initiated by two-cascade stimulated Raman scattering in D2-filled revolver fibre
Yu. P. Yatsenko, A. V. Gladyshev, I. A. Bufetov 1068–1075

Application of complex fully connected neural networks to compensate for nonlinearity in fibre-optic communication lines with polarisation division multiplexing
S. A. Bogdanov, O. S. Sidelnikov, A. A. Redyuk 1076–1080

All-glass single-mode microstructured optical fibres with a large-diameter core and low bending losses
A. N. Denisov, S. L. Semenov 1081–1089

Study of the output beam spatial characteristics of a cascade Raman laser with multimode diode pumping
A. G. Kuznetsov, S. I. Kablukov, E. V. Podivilov, S. A. Babin 1090–1095

Multicore optical fibre embedded Fabry–Perot sensing element of a bend sensor
O. N. Egorova, S. G. Zhuravlev, V. I. Pustovoi, S. L. Semenov 1096–1100

Optical fibres with an inscribed fibre Bragg grating array for sensor systems and random lasers
S. M. Popov, O. V. Butov, A. O. Kolosovskii, V. V. Voloshin, I. L. Vorob’ev, V. A. Isaev, D. V. Ryakhovskii, M. Yu. Vyatkin, A. A. Rybaltovsky, A. A. Fotiadi, Li Xia, Zhuoying Wang, D. S. Lipatov, Yu. K. Chamorovsky 1101–1106

Reflectogram shape deformation in distributed fibre systems in the presence of spontaneous noise in the probe radiation
N. I. Kalmykov, D. A. Kovalenko, I. A. Lobach, S. I. Kablukov 1107–1112

Correlation between optical fibre diameter and characteristics of tilted fibre Bragg grating-assisted sensors
K. A. Tomyshev, E. I. Dolzhenko, O. V. Butov 1113–1117

Neural network for calculating direct and inverse nonlinear Fourier transform
E. V. Sedov, I. S. Chekhovskoy, J. E. Prilepsky 1118–1121

Laser beams

Divergence features of laser beams with angular momentum
V. G. Niziev, A. Nesterov-Müller 1122–1126

Control of laser radiation parameters

Electromagnetically induced transparency under phase modulation of interacting radiations
O. M. Parshkov 1127–1134

Laser applications and other topics in quantum electronics

Functional flexible photonics-assisted frequency measurement based on combination of stimulated Brillouin scattering and a Mach–Zehnder interferometer
Lanfeng Huang, Yongjun Li, Shanghong Zhao, Tao Lin, Xuan Li, Guodong Wang, Zihang Zhu 1135–1143

Measurement of the longitudinal relaxation time for the nitrogen nuclear spin in a nitrogen-vacancy colour centre of diamond
V. V. Soshenko, I. S. Cojocaru, S. V. Bolshedvorskii, O. R. Rubinas, A. N. Smolyaninov, V. V. Vorob’ev, V. N. Sorokin, A. V. Akimov 1144–1147