2016, vol 46, number 1

By | 19.09.2024

Invited paper

New generation of optical fibres
E. M. Dianov, S. L. Semjonov, I. A. Bufetov 1–10


Room-temperature 1.2-J Fe2+:ZnSe laser
S. D. Velikanov, N. A. Zaretsky, E. A. Zotov, S. Yu. Kazantsev, I. G. Kononov, Yu. V. Korostelin, A. A. Maneshkin, K. N. Firsov, M. P. Frolov, I. M. Yutkin 11–12

Parametric generation of radiation in a dynamic cavity with frequency dispersion
N. N. Rozanov, E. G. Fedorov, A. A. Matskovsky 13–15

Interaction of laser radiation with matter. Laser plasma

Condensation of ablation plumes in the irradiation of metals by high-intensity nanosecond laser pulses at atmospheric pressure
K. V. Kozadaev 16–22

Formation of a fine-dispersed liquid-metal target under the action of femto- and picosecond laser pulses for a laser-plasma radiation source in the extreme ultraviolet range
A. Yu. Vinokhodov, K. N. Koshelev, V. M. Krivtsun, M. S. Krivokorytov, Yu. V. Sidelnikov, V. V. Medvedev, V. O. Kompanets, A. A. Melnikov, S. V. Chekalin 23–28

Laser formation of Bragg gratings in polymer nanocomposite materials
M. M. Nazarov, K. V. Khaydukov, V. I. Sokolov, E. V. Khaydukov 29–32

Nonlinear optical phenomena

Functional possibilities of nonlinear crystals for frequency conversion: uniaxial crystals
Yu. M. Andreev, Yu. D. Arapov, S. G. Grechin, I. V. Kasyanov, P. P. Nikolaev 33–38

Frequency modulation and compression of optical pulses in an optical fibre with a travelling refractive-index wave
I. O. Zolotovskii, V. A. Lapin, D. I. Sementsov 39–44


Numerical modelling of emission of a two-level atom near a metal nanoparticle with account for tunnelling of an electron from an atom into a particle
S. V. Fedorovich, I. E. Protsenko 45–49

Superfocusing of an ultrashort plasmon pulse by a conducting cone
E. S. Manuilovich, V. A. Astapenko, P. A. Golovinskii 50–56

Lasers, laser beams

Copper bromide vapour laser with an output pulse duration of up to 320 ns
F. A. Gubarev, V. F. Fedorov, K. V. Fedorov, D. V. Shiyanov, G. S. Evtushenko 57–60

Analysis of the effects of mismatched errors on coherent beam combining based on a self-imaging waveguide
R. Tao, X. Wang, Pu Zhou, Lei Si 61–67

Laser spectroscopy

Selective laser spectroscopy of SrF2 crystal doped with Pr3+ ions
O. K. Alimov, M. E. Doroshenko, V. A. Konyushkin, A. G. Papashvili, V. V. Osiko 68–72

Optics of metamaterials

Optical analogue of the Mössbauer effect
A. A. Kolokolov 73–75

Fibreoptic communication lines

Numerical modelling of multimode fibre-optic communication lines
O. S. Sidelnikov, S. Sygletos, F. Ferreira, M. P. Fedoruk 76–80

Sources for EUV lithography

High-brightness laser-induced EUV source based on tin plasma with an unlimited lifetime of electrodes
A. Yu. Vinokhodov, V. M. Krivtsun, A. A. Lash, V. M. Borisov, O. F. Yakushev, K. N. Koshelev 81–87

Laser -plasma acceleration of electrons

Precession dynamics of the relativistic electron spin in laser-plasma acceleration
D. V. Pugacheva, N. E. Andreev 88–93


On the Eightieth Birthday of Evgeny Mikhailovich Dianov