2017, vol 47, number 3

By | 16.09.2024

Extreme laser radiation: physics and fundamental applications

100 J-level pulse compression for peak power enhancement
S. Yu. Mironov, J. Wheeler, R. Gonin, G. Cojocaru, R. Ungureanu, R. Banici, M. Serbanescu, R. Dabu, G. Mourou, E. A. Khazanov 173–178

Dispersion management of the SULF front end
Shuai Li, Cheng Wang, Yanqi Liu, Yi Xu, Zhengzheng Liu, Jun Lu, Yanyan Li, Xingyan Liu, Zhaoyang Li, Yuxin Leng, Ruxin Li 179–183

Formation and amplification of 50-ps pulses in a THL-100 hybrid laser system
S. V. Alekseev, N. G. Ivanov, M. V. Ivanov, V. F. Losev, G. A. Mesyats, L. D. Mikheev, Yu. N. Panchenko, N. A. Ratakhin, A. G. Yastremskii 184–187

Specific features of betatron oscillations and betatron emission in a hollow-channel plasma
A. A. Golovanov, I. Yu. Kostyukov 188–193

Generation of attosecond electron packets in the interaction of ultraintense Laguerre – Gaussian laser beams with plasma
C. Baumann, A. M. Pukhov 194–198

Growth of emittance in laser-plasma electron acceleration in guiding structures
M. E. Veisman, S. V. Kuznetsov, N. E. Andreev 199–205

Effect of a prepulse on the efficiency of gamma-ray generation by a relativistic laser pulse obliquely incident on a planar target
D. A. Serebryakov, E. N. Nerush 206–211

Transverse electron acceleration in the field of terahertz radiation. Terahertz synchrotron
M. Yu. Romanovsky 212–215

Tunnelling approximation for estimating the amplitude of high harmonic generation in intense laser fields: analysis of ionisation and recombination times
A. A. Minina, M. V. Frolov, A. N. Zheltukhin, N. V. Vvedenskii 216–221

Quasi-classical model of electron rescattering in fields of intense infrared and weak high-frequency laser pulses
A. V. Flegel, M. V. Frolov, A. N. Zheltukhin, N. V. Vvedenskii 222–227

Delta-layer model for the boundary of a bubble excited by an electron bunch or laser pulse in a plasma channel
J. Thomas, A. A. Golovanov, I. Yu. Kostyukov, A. M. Pukhov 228–231

Improvement of hot-electron and gamma-ray yields by selecting preplasma thickness for a target irradiated by a short laser pulse
A. V. Brantov, M. G. Lobok, V. Yu. Bychenkov 232–235

A method for measuring the amplitude and phase of ultrashort laser pulses using self-modulation in a Kerr medium and spectral interferometry
A. V. Andrianov, A. V. Kim, E. A. Khazanov 236–244

A method for measuring the nonlinear refractive index from the contrast of an amplitude object image in the optical scheme with phase Zernike filters based on electronic Kerr nonlinearity
A. A. Murzanjov, A. I. Korytin, D. I. Kulagin, A. V. Romashkin, A. N. Stepanov 245–247

Influence of laser radiation polarisation on small-scale self-focusing in isotropic crystals
V. N. Ginzburg, A. A. Kochetkov, M. S. Kuz’mina, K. F. Burdonov, A. A. Shaikin, E. A. Khazanov 248–251

Supercontinuum spectrum upon filamentation of laser pulses under conditions of strong and weak anomalous group velocity dispersion in transparent dielectrics
S. V. Chekalin, V. O. Kompanets, A. E. Dormidonov, E. D. Zaloznaya, V. P. Kandidov 252–258

Influence of induced colour centres on the frequency – angular spectrum of a light bullet of mid-IR radiation in lithium fluoride
S. V. Chekalin, V. O. Kompanets, A. E. Dormidonov, V. P. Kandidov 259–265

Control of SPP propagation and focusing through scattering from nanostructures
P. N. Melent’ev, A. A. Kuzin, V. I. Balykin 266–271


Semiconductor AlGaInAs/InP lasers with ultra-narrow waveguides
A. A. Marmalyuk, Yu. L. Ryaboshtan, P. V. Gorlachuk, M. A. Ladugin, A. A. Padalitsa, S. O. Slipchenko, A. V. Lyutetskiy, D. A. Veselov, N. A. Pikhtin 272–274

Numerical simulation of a high efficiency combustion-driven HF laser with preheated fuels
Xiaoting Fang, Shengfu Yuan, Weihong Hua 275–279

Simulation of an intracavity Q-switched optical parametric oscillator using rate equations
A. Keshavarz, S. Samimi 280–284

Integrated optics

Some specific features of light propagation in a three-channel nonlinear directional coupler
P. I. Khadzhi, K. D. Lyakhomskaya, L. Yu. Nad’kin 285–289


On the Eighty-Fifth Birthday of Oleg Nikolaevich Krokhin