Self-modulation oscillations in a solid-state coupled-cavity ring laser
I. I. Zolotoverkh, E. G. Lariontsev, V. V. Firsov, S. N. Chekina 1–6
ABC-model analysis of gain-switched pulse characteristics in low-dimensional semiconductor lasers
Xumin Bao, Yuejun Liu, Guoen Weng, Xiaobo Hu, Shaoqiang Chen 7–12
Optimisation of the optical scheme of a compact double-pass Nd : YAG amplifier for range finding
V. M. Polyakov, A. V. Kovalev, A. V. Uskov 13–18
Nonlinear optical phenomena
Terahertz optical properties of LBO crystal upon cooling to liquid nitrogen temperature
N. A. Nikolaev, Yu. M. Andreev, N. G. Kononova, A. A. Mamrashev, V. D. Antsygin, K. A. Kokh, A. E. Kokh, V. F. Losev, O. I. Potaturkin 19–21
Amplification and generation of surface plasmon polaritons in a semiconductor film–dielectric structure
A. S. Abramov, I. O. Zolotovskii, S. G. Moiseev, D. I. Sementsov 22–28
A theoretical study of the influence of barrier thickness variations on optical properties of a semiconductor multiple quantum well slow light device
S. Abdolhosseini, H. Kaatuzian, R. Kohandani, B. Choupanzadeh 29–36
Anharmonic Bloch oscillations in a waveguide array
O. V. Korovay, A. P. Krukovskii, P. I. Khadzhi 37–39
Interaction of laser radiation with matter
Ablation of steel under surface irradiation by high-intensity tandem pulses
V. V. Kononenko, V. I. Konov 40–44
Formation of carbon quantum dots and nanodiamonds in laser ablation of a carbon film
A. I. Sidorov, V. F. Lebedev, A. A. Kobranova, A. V. Nashchekin 45–48
Energy spectrum of ideal quantum dots controlled by an external electric field
A. M. Mandel, V. B. Oshurko 49–56
Laser beams
Formation of doughnut and super-Gaussian intensity distributions of laser radiation in the far field using a bimorph mirror
A. N. Lylova, Yu. V. Sheldakova, A. V. Kudryashov, V. V. Samarkin 57–61
Fibre-optic sensors
Detection of electric current pulses by a fibre-optic sensor using spun fibre
Ya. V. Przhiyalkovskiy, V. P. Gubin, N. I. Starostin, S. K. Morshnev, A. I. Sazonov 62–69
Laser biophotonics
Characteristic point algorithm in laser ektacytometry of red blood cells
S. Yu. Nikitin, V. D. Ustinov 70–74
Laser applications and other topics in quantum electronics
Development of a laser system of the laboratory AVLIS complex for producing isotopes and radionuclides
A. B. D’yachkov, A. A. Gorkunov, A. V. Labozin, S. M. Mironov, V. Ya. Panchenko, V. A. Firsov, G. O. Tsvetkov 75–81
Temperature sensor based on a polymer diffraction grating with silver nanoparticles
V. I. Nuzhdin, V. F. Valeev, M. F. Galyautdinov, Yu. N. Osin, A. L. Stepanov 82–86
Study of virtual displays based on raster optical elements
Jaeyeol Ryu, A. N. Putilin 87–94