2019, vol 49, number 8

By | 16.09.2024

Invited paper

New modulation method in acousto-optic spectrometers
V. I. Pustovoĭt 707–716


Role of spontaneous emission in the formation of the steady-state optical spectrum of a diode laser
A. P. Bogatov, A. E. Drakin 717–727

Rate equations for the diode laser and their applicability area
A. P. Bogatov 728–734

Economical generation regime of a supersonic continuous-wave chemical DF laser
I. A. Fedorov 735–739

Frequency characteristics of a gas coupled-cavity ring laser
I. I. Zolotoverkh, E. G. Lariontsev 740–744

Polymer dye laser pumped with green semiconductor lasers
O. A. Burdukova, S. M. Dolotov, V. A. Petukhov, M. A. Semenov 745–748

Frequency and energy characteristics of a Cu – Ne laser at different durations of the leading edge of the excitation pulse
P. A. Bokhan, P. P. Gugin, Dm. È. Zakrevskii, M. A. Lavrukhin 749–753

Fluorescence and lasing in an electric-field-induced periodic structure of a cholesteric liquid crystal
N. M. Shtykov, S. P. Palto, B. A. Umanskii, D. O. Rybakov, I. V. Simdyankin 754–761

Generation of ultrashort laser pulses

Simulation of generation of ultrashort pulses in a laser based on the nonlinear polarisation evolution in two segments of a polarisation-maintaining fibre
I. N. Bychkov, A. I. Baranov 762–767

Use of heavily doped germanosilicate fibres with a small core diameter in stretchers of ultrashort laser pulses at a wavelength of 1.03 μm
D. V. Khudyakov, D. V. Ganin, A. D. Lyashedko, A. A. Borodkin, M. E. Likhachev, M. Yu. Salganskii, S. K. Vartapetov 768–772

Optical fibres

Effect of a magnetic field on polarisation of light in an optical fibre with a random distribution of linear birefringence
V. A. Konyshev, S. N. Lukinykh, O. E. Nanii, A. G. Novikov, V. N. Treshchikov, R. R. Ubaydullaev 773–776

Quantum logic

Simulation of quantum logic by linear recording of superimposed Fourier holograms: Linda phenomenon
A. V. Pavlov 777–778

X-ray spectrometer

Scanning spectrometer/monochromator for a wavelength range of 50–330 Å
A. N. Shatokhin, E. A. Vishnyakov, A. O. Kolesnikov, E. N. Ragozin 779–783

Interaction of laser radiation with matter

Effect of laser radiation on the gamma activity of aqueous salt solutions containing 152Eu
E. V. Barmina, A. V. Simakin, V. I. Stegailov, S. I. Tyutyunnikov, G. A. Shafeev, I. A. Shcherbakov 784–787

Characteristics of quasi-unipolar electromagnetic pulses formed in the interaction of high-power laser pulses with nanoscale targets
V. V. Kulagin, V. N. Kornienko, V. A. Cherepenin, D. N. Gupta, H. Suk 788–795

On the issue of neutron source development for a laser-driven nuclear-thermonuclear reactor
G. V. Dolgoleva, I. G. Lebo 796–800