Ytterbium fibre laser with a heavily Yb3+-doped glass fibre core
I. A. Bufetov, S. L. Semenov, A. F. Kosolapov, M. A. Mel’kumov, V. V. Dudin, B. I. Galagan, B. I. Denker, V. V. Osiko, S. E. Sverchkov, E. M. Dianov 189–191
Nonlinear dynamics of solid-state ring lasers
N. V. Kravtsov, E. G. Lariontsev 192–221
Analysis of thermal conditions of high-power semiconductor lasers and their arrays
G. T. Mikayelyan 222–227
Polarisation dynamics of single-longitudinal-mode Nd:YAG lasers with a weakly anisotropic cavity
I. V. Ievlev, P. A. Khandokhin, E. Yu. Shirokov 228–232
Stimulated emission of disordered media based on crystalline ZnO powders
L. E. Li, L. N. Dem’yanets, S. V. Nikitin, A. S. Lavrikov 233–234
High-pulse-repetition-rate HF laser with plate electrodes
A. V. Andramanov, S. A. Kabaev, B. V. Lazhintsev, V. A. Nor-Arevyan, A. V. Pisetskaya, V. D. Selemir 235–238
Scattered radiation
Statistic and coherent properties of scattered light fields for different geometrical parameters of rough surfaces
P. A. Bakut, V. I. Mandrosov 239–246
Effect of photons of different scattering orders on the formation of a signal in optical low-coherence tomographyof highly scattering media
M. Yu. Kirillin, I. V. Meglinski, A. V. Priezzhev 247–252
Spatiotemporal coherence of nonmonochromatic laser radiation in a turbulent atmosphere
V. A. Banakh 253–256
Laser cooling
Pulsed filling of a dark magnetooptical trap for rubidium atoms
P. L. Chapovskii 257–262
Nonlinear optical phenomena
Reconstruction of the spatiotemporal distribution of the effective reflectance of a phase-conjugate mirror from the oscillograms of incident and reflected pulses
V. I. Kislenko, A. D. Lomakin 263–265
Preliminary training of a self-pumped loop phase-conjugate mirror based on a photorefractive crystal
M. Wahdani Mogaddam, V. V. Shuvalov 266–273
Laser radiation intensity limiter based on polymethine dyes
T. N. Kopylova, A. P. Lugovsky, V. M. Podgaetsky, O. V. Ponomareva, V. A. Svetlichnyi 274–279
Photodetection of a weak light signal in various quantum states by using an optical amplifier
A. V. Kozlovskii 280–286
Laser applications and other topics in quantum electronics
Use of Spun optical fibres in current sensors
V. P. Gubin, V. A. Isaev, S. K. Morshnev, A. I. Sazonov, N. I. Starostin, Yu. K. Chamorovsky, A. I. Oussov 287–291
On the possibility of development of a photochemical unit based on an NH3 laser with an intracavity reactor
V. M. Apatin, A. N. Belokurov, G. N. Makarov, P. Mendoza, A. N. Petin, S. V. Pigulskii, I. Rios, E. A. Ryabov 292–298