2018, vol 48, number 4

By | 16.09.2024

Special issue ‘Extreme light fields and their interaction with matter’

Effect of synchrotron radiation on the dynamics of electron spin precession in the process of laser-plasma acceleration
D. V. Pugacheva, N. E. Andreev 291–294

Optimisation of parameters of Raman laser pulse compression in a plasma for its implementation using the PEARL laser facility (IAP RAS)
A. A. Balakin, D. S. Levin, S. A. Skobelev 295–305

Femtosecond pulse self-shortening in Kerr media: role of modulational instability in the spectrum formation
Ya. V. Grudtsyn, A. V. Koribut, L. D. Mikheev, V. A. Trofimov 306–312

Laser pulse self-compression in an active fibre with a finite gain bandwidth under conditions of a nonstationary nonlinear response
A. A. Balakin, A. G. Litvak, V. A. Mironov, S. A. Skobelev 313–324

Suppression of small-scale self-focusing of high-power laser beams due to their self-filtration during propagation in free space
V. N. Ginzburg, A. A. Kochetkov, A. K. Potemkin, E. A. Khazanov 325–331

Phase-contrast imaging method based on fast Kerr optical nonlinearity of air
A. A. Murzanjov, E. L. Bubis, A. I. Korytin, A. N. Stepanov 332–334

Coherent combining of pulses amplified in wideband parametric amplifiers under multiple-beam pumping
S. A. Frolov, V. I. Trunov, S. N. Bagayev 335–339

Generation and subsequent amplification of few-cycle femtosecond pulses from a picosecond pump laser
I. B. Mukhin, I. I. Kuznetsov, O. V. Palashov 340–343

Formation of nanosecond SBS-compressed pulses for pumping an ultra-high power parametric amplifier
A. A. Kuzmin, O. V. Kulagin, V. I. Rodchenkov 344–350

Generation of double giant pulses in actively Q-switched lasers
A. P. Korobeynikova, I. A. Shaikin, A. A. Shaikin, I. V. Koryukin, E. A. Khazanov 351–357

Optimisation of a multi-disk cryogenic amplifier for a high-intensity, high-repetition-rate laser system
V. V. Petrov, G. V. Kuptsov, V. A. Petrov, A. V. Laptev, A. V. Kirpichnikov, E. V. Pestryakov 358–362

Calculation of single-pass gain for laser ceramics with losses
S. M. Vatnik 363–365

Similarity parameter for the process of mid-IR light bullet formation
E. D. Zaloznaya, V. O. Kompanets, A. E. Dormidonov, S. V. Chekalin, V. P. Kandidov 366–372

Path length and spectrum of single-cycle mid-IR light bullets in transparent dielectrics
S. V. Chekalin, V. O. Kompanets, A. E. Dormidonov, V. P. Kandidov 372–377

All-fibre optical gating system for measuring a complex-shaped periodic broadband signal with picosecond resolution in a nanosecond time window
A. V. Andrianov 378–383

A method for measuring coupling coefficients between cores and corrections to mode propagation constants in multicore fibres
N. A. Kalinin, A. V. Andrianov, A. V. Kim 384–389


Power characteristics of lasers with quantum-well waveguides and blocking layers
A. A. Afonenko, D. V. Ushakov, V. Ya. Aleshkin, A. A. Dubinov, N. V. Dikareva, S. M. Nekorkin, B. N. Zvonkov 390–394

Fibreoptic communication

Effect of self-phase modulation and cross-phase modulation on OFDM signals in fibre-optic access networks
V. A. Vardanyan 395–400