2019, vol 49, number 5

By | 16.09.2024

Special issue ‘Physics of ultracold atoms and their applications’

Physics of ultracold atoms in Russia: topical research
I. I. Ryabtsev, N. N. Kolachevsky, A. V. Taichenachev 409

On the Ninetieth Birthday of Sergei Glebovich Rautian
A.M. Shalagin 410–411

Spectroscopy of the quadrupole clock transition of ytterbium-171 ions for optical frequency standard development
S. V. Chepurov, A. A. Lugovoy, O. N. Prudnikov, A. V. Taichenachev, S. N. Bagayev 412–417

Optical pumping of ultracold thulium atoms to a lower level of the clock transition and study of their depolarisation
E. S. Fedorova, D. O. Tregubov, A. A. Golovizin, G. A. Vishnyakova, D. A. Mishin, D. I. Provorchenko, K. Yu. Khabarova, V. N. Sorokin, N. N. Kolachevsky 418–423

Temperature drift contribution to frequency instability of silicon Fabry–Perot cavities
N. O. Zhadnov, G. A. Vishnyakova, K. S. Kudeyarov, D. S. Kryuchkov, K. Yu. Khabarova, N. N. Kolachevsky 424–428

Effect of trapped-ion heating on generalised Ramsey methods for suppressing frequency shifts caused by a probe field in atomic clocks
S. N. Kuznetsov, A. V. Taichenachev, V. I. Yudin, N. Huntemann, C. Sanner, C. Tamm, E. Peik 429–432

Downward the temperature scale
V. A. Vinogradov, K. A. Karpov, S. V. Savelyeva, A. V. Turlapov 433–435

Thermodynamically equilibrium quantum vortices in superfluid liquids
S. K. Nemirovskii 436–438

Quantum geometric phase under pre- and post-selection
T. S. Yakovleva, A. M. Rostom, V. A. Tomilin, L. V. Il’ichev 439–442

Investigation of the possibility of ultra-deep laser cooling using a quadrupole transition
A. A. Kirpichnikova, O. N. Prudnikov, D. Wilkowski 443–448

Scheme of a hydrogen-molecule quantum simulator based on two ultracold rubidium atoms
I. N. Ashkarin, I. I. Beterov, D. B. Tret’yakov, V. M. Èntin, E. A. Yakshina, I. I. Ryabtsev 449–454

Effect of dipole blockade on the laser excitation spectra of mesoscopic ensembles of cold Rydberg atoms
I. I. Ryabtsev, I. I. Beterov, D. B. Tret’yakov, E. A. Yakshina, V. M. Èntin 455–463

Interatomic interactions and thermally induced shifts and broadenings of energy levels of atoms in circular Rydberg states
A. A. Kamenski, V. D. Ovsyannikov, I. L. Glukhov 464–472

Conversion of nuclear spin isomers of water molecules under ultracold conditions of space
P. L. Chapovskii 473–478

Formation of spectra of saturated-absorption resonances on closed transitions in the spectroscopy of unidirectional waves
È. G. Saprykin, A. A. Chernenko 479–487


Pulsed laser module based on a high-power semiconductor laser for the spectral range 1500–1600 nm
Yu. K. Bobretsova, D. A. Veselov, N. V. Voronkova, S. O. Slipchenko, V. A. Strelets, M. V. Bogdanovich, P. V. Shpak, M. A. Ladugin, A. A. Marmalyuk, N. A. Pikhtin 488–492

Tunable laser based on a semiconductor optical amplifier of red spectral region
E. V. Andreeva, A. S. Anikeev, S. N. Il’chenko, A. A. Lobintsov, A. Yu. Chamorovskiy, V. R. Shidlovskiĭ, M. V. Shramenko, S. D. Yakubovich 493–496

Simulation of gain anisotropy induced by linearly polarised pump radiation in a bipolar Nd : YAG laser
N. D. Milovskii, P. A. Khandokhin 497–504

Quantum dots

System of ideal quantum dots with Coulomb interaction
A. M. Mandel, V. B. Oshurko, S. M. Pershin 505–511

Terahertz radiation

Modelling of output mirrors based on circular gradient structures for THz lasers
M. I. Dzyubenko, V. A. Maslov, E. N. Odarenko, V. P. Radionov 512–513

Fibre optics

Modelling of polarised optical frequency domain reflectometry of axially twisted anisotropic optical fibres
F. L. Barkov, Yu. A. Konstantinov, S. D. Bochkova, A. S. Smirnov, V. V. Burdin, A. I. Krivosheev, E. A. Nosova, O. Yu. Smetannikov 514–517


On the Seventy-Fifth Birthday of Ivan Aleksandrovich Shcherbakov