2020, vol 50, number 4

By | 16.09.2024

Extreme light fields and their interaction with matter

Modelling of the laser amplification process with allowance for the effect of the temperature distribution in an Yb : YAG gain element on the thermophysical and lasing characteristics of the medium
V. V. Petrov, V. A. Petrov, G. V. Kuptsov, A. V. Laptev, A. V. Kirpichnikov, E. V. Pestryakov 315–320

Ytterbium laser system for studying parametric amplification of femtosecond pulses with a centre wavelength of ~2 μm
I. B. Mukhin, M. R. Volkov, I. A. Vikulov, E. A. Perevezentsev, O. V. Palashov 321–326

Technology of thin-rod Yb : YAG amplifiers with a high pulse energy and average power
I. I. Kuznetsov, S. A. Chizhov, I. B. Mukhin, O. V. Palashov 327–330

Two-stage nonlinear compression of high-power femtosecond laser pulses
V. N. Ginzburg, I. V. Yakovlev, A. S. Zuev, A. P. Korobeynikova, A. A. Kochetkov, A. A. Kuzmin, S. Yu. Mironov, A. A. Shaikin, I. A. Shaikin, E. A. Khazanov 331–334

Generation of gamma radiation by a subterawatt ultrashort laser pulse: optimisation of preplasma and pulse duration
S. A. Shulyapov, I. N. Tsymbalov, K. A. Ivanov, G. A. Gospodinov, R. V. Volkov, V. Yu. Bychenkov, A. B. Savel’ev 335–342

Generation of few-cycle pulses in media with alternating sign of effective cubic nonlinearity
S. A. Frolov, V. I. Trunov, S. N. Bagayev 343–349

Formula for the ionisation rate of an atom or ion in a strong electromagnetic field for numerical simulation
A. A. Golovanov, I. Yu. Kostyukov 350–353

Accuracy of the duration estimates of ultrashort laser pulses using a single-shot second-order intensity autocorrelator
I. V. Kuzmin, S. Yu. Mironov, E. A. Khazanov 354–360

Self-compression of laser pulses in a discrete medium
A. O. Sofonov, V. A. Mironov 361–365

Interference effects in the formation of the light bullet spectrum under axicon focusing
E. D. Zaloznaya, V. O. Kompanets, S. V. Chekalin, A. E. Dormidonov, V. P. Kandidov 366–374

Interference effects in the high-order harmonic amplification process in the active medium of a plasma-based X-ray laser modulated by an optical field
I. R. Khairulin, V. A. Antonov, O. A. Kocharovskaya 375–385

Numerical simulation of dispersion and nonlinear characteristics of microstructured silica fibres with a thin suspended core in a wide range of their parameters
E. A. Anashkina, A. V. Andrianov, G. Leuchs 386–391

Dependence of emittance on the length of an electron bunch during laser-plasma acceleration in guiding structures
M. E. Veisman, N. E. Andreev 392–400

Features of multilayer mirror application for focusing and collimating X-rays from inverse Compton scattering sources
M. M. Barysheva, I. V. Malyshev, V. N. Polkovnikov, N. N. Salashchenko, M. V. Svechnikov, N. I. Chkhalo 401–407

Lasing efficiency of krypton ions in the (8–14)-nm band upon pulsed laser excitation
A. N. Nechai, S. A. Garakhin, A. Ya. Lopatin, V. N. Polkovnikov, D. G. Reunov, N. N. Salashchenko, M. N. Toropov, N. I. Chkhalo, N. N. Tsybin 408–413

Laser and thermooptical characteristics of a laser head based on a thin Yb : YAG slab
A. V. Starobor, I. I. Kuznetsov, I. B. Mukhin, O. V. Palashov 414–418

Control of laser radiation parameters

Influence of saturable absorber saturation power, modulation depth and relaxation time on pulse parameters of a soliton fibre laser
A. A. Mastin, P. A. Ryabochkina 419–424