2017, vol 47, number 5

By | 16.09.2024

Physics of ultra cold atoms and their applications

Physics of ultracold atoms in Russia: development and co-ordination
N. N. Kolachevsky, A. V. Taichenachev 393

Frequency standards based on ultracold atoms in tests of general relativity, navigation and gravimetry
K. Yu. Khabarova, K. S. Kudeyarov, N. N. Kolachevsky 394–399

Ultrastable laser system for spectroscopy of the 1S0 – 3P0 clock transition in Sr atoms
O. I. Berdasov, A. Yu. Gribov, G. S. Belotelov, V. G. Pal’chikov, S. A. Strelkin, K. Yu. Khabarova, N. N. Kolachevsky, S. N. Slyusarev 400–405

Trapping, retention and laser cooling of Th3+ ions in a multisection linear quadrupole trap
P. V. Borisyuk, O. S. Vasil’ev, S. P. Derevyashkin, N. N. Kolachevsky, Yu. Yu. Lebedinskii, S. S. Poteshin, A. A. Sysoev, E. V. Tkalya, D. O. Tregubov, V. I. Troyan, K. Yu. Khabarova, V. I. Yudin, V. P. Yakovlev 406–411

Nonlinear optical higher-order effects in an optical lattice clock
V. D. Ovsiannikov, S. I. Marmo, S. N. Mokhnenko, V. G. Pal’chikov 412–420

A new generation of cryogenic high-Q Fabry–Perot resonators for ultrastable lasers
N. O. Zhadnov, A. V. Masalov, V. N. Sorokin, K. Yu. Khabarova, N. N. Kolachevsky 421–425

Microwave frequency standard on 25Mg+ ions: expected characteristics and prospects
I. V. Zalivako, I. A. Semerikov, A. S. Borisenko, K. Yu. Khabarova, V. N. Sorokin, N. N. Kolachevsky 426–430

A vacuum gauge based on an ultracold gas
V. B. Makhalov, A. V. Turlapov 431–437

Kinetics of atoms in a bichromatic field formed by elliptically polarised waves
O. N. Prudnikov, A. V. Taichenachev, V. I. Yudin 438–445

On the possibility of observing chaotic motion of cold atoms in rigid optical lattices
S. V. Prants, L. E. Kon’kov 446–450

Effect of atomic flux reversal in a fluctuating moving optical lattice
D. V. Makarov 451–454

Adiabatic phase-conserving processes for executing quantum operations with ultracold atoms
I. I. Beterov, D. B. Tret’yakov, V. M. Èntin, E. A. Yakshina, G. N. Khamzina, I. I. Ryabtsev 455–462

Optical control of interatomic interaction in a Bose condensate
L. V. Il’ichev, P. L. Chapovskii 463–466

Resonance dispersion interaction of alkali metal atoms in Rydberg states
A. A. Kamenski, S. N. Mokhnenko, V. D. Ovsyannikov 467–473

Lambda-scheme feedback spectroscopy
V. A. Tomilin, L. V. Il’ichev 474–478

Methods for determining the polarisability of the fine structure levels in the ground state of the thulium atom
A. A. Golovizin, E. S. Kalganova, D. D. Sukachev, G. A. Vishnyakova, D. O. Tregubov, K. Yu. Khabarova, V. N. Sorokin, N. N. Kolachevsky 479–483

Analytical trial functions for modelling a two-dimensional Bose condensate
Yu. V. Likhanova, S. B. Medvedev, M. P. Fedoruk, P. L. Chapovskii 484–490


4.4-μm Raman laser based on hollow-core silica fibre
A. V. Gladyshev, A. F. Kosolapov, M. M. Khudyakov, Yu. P. Yatsenko, A. N. Kolyadin, A. A. Krylov, A. D. Pryamikov, A. S. Biriukov, M. E. Likhachev, I. A. Bufetov, E. M. Dianov 491–494